I’m pretty sure we will be using CM all the way in the fall. I’m pretty excited about it. I’ve checked into it before but it wasn’t the right time I suppose.
Our dd is 8 and I think we’ll start her in Year One in the fall. (I figure if it’s not enough, we can transition to Y2).
I’m looking for some feedback on a few schedules I have in mind, and not having used CM completely in the past, just wanted some help.
#1 go from Sept. – May with Fridays off
#2 Sept. – May with about 10 days off, randomly picked (there is a reason for the 10 days)
#3 Aug. – May 3 weeks on, 1 week off each month
Our required hours are taken care of in all of these options.
My main reason for asking is that this is our first year using CM and I’m not sure if taking off one week, as in plan 3, would make it hard to form new habits in starting a new schedule. The same goes for Fridays off. Option 2 doesn’t seem to be in question as much as the other two.
Just as an FYI, this last year we started in July, ever so slowly because it was the first year I planned to go ‘full force’ :} We finished in May and only took off the typical holidays.
So, do any of you have the ‘3, 4, whatever, weeks on and 1 week off’ type of schedule? Has it worked for you in the first year you decided ot implement the CM methods?
For many years we did the 3 weeks on, 1 week off. However, that week “off” was usually a project that was either school related or something around the house. So it wasn’t just a week of laying around and forming bad habits. We kept our daily read-aloud and Scripture memory going, but used the rest of the time to do a project together that we wouldn’t have time to do if we tried to squeeze it in around our usual school load. It gave a nice change, and often a change is as good as a break.
Oooh, I like that idea. In the back of my mind I was wondering how she would fare by not doing much but I like the idea of some structure, yet with ease. Great idea!
I’d go for the randomly picked days off, but I prefer to school year round taking off when the weather is nice. I have no desire to be out in the sweltering sunshine so we do the majority of our school work in the summer time. 😀
This is my first official year of CM as well. My oldest is eight as well. THis last year we did the four days on, one day off and it worked relatively well. However, I would do as Sonya suggested and do some project during that time. We found that Mondays were hard to get back into the swing of things with three days off. THis year, I plan on doing it the same way only using Friday at Nature Study/Field Trip/Project Day with the usual Scripture memory, bible reading, and circle time. That way it is a lighter day, but still focused. But this is my family and what I have found works for OUR current situation.
Try one plan and if you see it not working so well, switch to a different one until you find what works. (This suggestion is given with the thought that you would spend 3-4 months on a plan to really see what works).