Thanks for the advice, Doug. Since I have never heard of it I perused the Firefox site and tried to to discern in short-order their political persuasion and to detect any evil intent in their self-titled “Manifesto”. However, I was too tired to really care and my dh is out fighting the good fight — so I took the plunge!
My SCM organizer is up and running smoothly on Firefox. It even seems clearer on my screen…must be all in my head. Ha!
Anyway, I’m thrilled and look forward to the resolution to printing. Again, thank you for working so hard on this!
Sara B. — glad to hear we aren’t the only anti-Google folks. We have good luck with Bing. I agree about Apple…but, I LOVE my iPad! Why the companies can’t just stick to business and keep out of pushing an agenda is beyond me.
Unfortunately, in the technology arena almost all of the larger companies have agendas I wouldn’t subscribe to. We live in a sinful world so it’s pretty much impossible to avoid totally. I do respect your trying, though. At least with Firefox you are not supporting anything financially since it’s a non-profit project.
It even seems clearer on my screen…must be all in my head.
Nope, it really is clearer. That’s part of the technology of the more modern browsers.
That’s actually good news. If I print my daily task page WITHOUT adding notes, it sounds like it will be a normal size. That’s an easy enough thing to do for the time being. Thanks!
I still print my notes, but I make sure to change lines often (i.e. I press enter), before the text wraps by itself, instead of printing one long note. This works well. Yesterday I had one long note and my whole schedule was very small print, but today I changed that note into several lines and it printed at the normal size. It’s a quick fix for now. 🙂
Just a quick update… It’s taking us a little longer than expected to get a permanent fix but we haven’t forgotten about you. Our programmer say he thinks he can get it finished up early this week, but that depends on if he runs into other unforseen problems.
I still print my notes, but I make sure to change lines often (i.e. I press enter), before the text wraps by itself, instead of printing one long note. This works well. Yesterday I had one long note and my whole schedule was very small print, but today I changed that note into several lines and it printed at the normal size. It’s a quick fix for now. 🙂
This is what I just did as well and it works great for now until the bug is fixed – all my notes printed fine and the overall text was larger. I also changed the margin in the print dialog (the Chrome pop-up) and told it to use a minimum margin. It seemed like the text got a little bigger after doing that as well.
I can’t tell y’all how thrilled I am to be using this Organizer again!! I feel like my homeschooling has been saved!