HELP!! Home organization needed.

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  • richpond

    Hey guys,

     I haven’t been on here in a long time but I know you all have the best advice so I am coming to you for help. I am at the point of breaking down in tears. I am normally an organized, have it all together type of person. Lately, because of a busy schedule my house is completely in chaos mode.

     The real problem is keeping up with clothes for 5 kids and a sixth on the way (in Jan.). I have been trying to switch from summer clothes to fall clothes…but am in that transition period where we can still wear shorts but need the jeans and long sleeve stuff handy for the mornings and evenings. HOW do you guys keep up with clothes for your children? How do you organize them for daily use? Do you have a system of keeping up with what you have for each kid for each season. How do you organize in a small house with not that much storage for daily use items? I have one dresser for each sex one for boys, one for girls and then my youngest boy has three drawers in my dresser. I normally just have tubs labeled with the size and the season…but with 5 children in all different sizes and sharing the tubs with my two sisters and their children is just becoming SO HARD to keep up with.

      I just need some ideas and something to work with. I am open to any suggestions or ideas. Thanks,

     Your tearful friend,



    Dear Shelly, you have just described my own clothing situation perfectly!!  While I only have girls, I do have 5 children – all under 6.  Our house is small – they all share a room.  We have a small closet and two dressers to work with. 

    What I do is keep the current sizes/seasons out (either hanging up or in the drawers) and then I put the others in some tubs in their closet. That way when something is no longer needed for a while, it is easy to put the item right where it needs to be, right away. 

    Also I like to have a place handy (a box or bag) to put clothes in that we are going to get rid of.

    About all the different sizes and seasons…..aaaahhhhh!!   I finally stopped storing by size and only by season.  What I have now is about 3 bins:  one for winter, one for summer, one for clothes the baby has outgrown.  Then whenever the seasons change, I just get out that box and pull out some things that will fit someone.  If they won’t fit anyone this year, I just put them back in the box.

    Another thing I have tried to do is par down quite a bit.  They don’t really need 5 pairs of jeans….

    Anyway, I hope this has given you some ideas to work with. 

    I still haven’t figured out what to do while the seasons are changing – like when you need warm clothes in the morning and cooler clothes in the middle of the day….




    I am glad to know I am not the only one. Thanks for your advice I will have to think through all the ideas you mentioned and see if they will work for me. I, too, pared down all of our wardrobes last fall. It is crazy to have 6 pairs of kahkis all were hand-me-downs but still.



    Anyone else have ideas?


    We have two kids: one boy and one girl. Still clothing can become a problem, especially during these transition times. Our closets are a good size, so I try to hang up as much as possible, even t-shirts. It’s easier to find exactly what we need in the mornings without having to dig and mess up neatly folded drawers. Each child also uses one drawer. I use shoe boxes as dividers, which help keep folded things folded. Each child has two child-size shoe boxes in their drawer, one box for socks, one box for undies. Then, their pj’s are folded in between the boxes. It’s a system that has worked for me for a long time, and it made it so much easier when they were old enough to put their own clothes away (which they do regularly now).

    I suppose I’ll have to devise a new system as they get bigger, but for now this is working well.

    Another thing each child has that is great is a small shoe organizer from Ikea. I’m not looking at it now, but I think it holds 7 pairs of shoes. It doesn’t go over the closet door; instead, it has ties and hangs from the bar in the closet. I also use it as a divider and put shirts and jackets on one side and jeans and shorts on the other side of the shoe hanger. I also hang clothing up in groups of like things: jeans together, short sleeves together, long sleeves together, dresses together, skirts together, etc. Unfortunately, the closet bars are too high for my kids to hang up their own clothes, but they are able to put away their shoes up to the fifth space on the shoe hanger. Having the shoes hanging keeps the bottom of the closet open for larger toys that I want concealed or my son’s latest Lego project that he’s not ready to disassemble. It also keeps the shoes away from the front door and we never have to hunt for “that one lost shoe”. Tongue out

    One other thing I do is purge, purge, purge. I go through my closet at least twice a year and through the kids’ closets and drawers three or four times a year and get rid of stuff. Obviously, you probably can’t do that as much since your kids are probably wearing hand-me-downs. Since my kids are different genders, we try to purge out badly stained or ill-fitting items as much as possible. 

    For clothing storage, I love the vacuum bags that you can put a ton of clothing into and then suck out all the air so it stores compactly. Because I’m weird, I put my vacuum bags full of clothes into plastic tubs in the garage, so I can be sure bugs and things don’t get into our clothing. I’m actually about to get the rest of our fall stuff out and suck the air out of the summer clothes and pack them away until spring.

    Organizing is one of my passions, so I hope this hasn’t been too overwhelming. Kiss




    Hi Shelly,

    Here is what I do.  I have 3 children, and we live in a home that’s 943 sq ft.  Space is an issue!  I just recently went through all the clothes as well. I had to decide what was the least amount of clothing each child needed.  My two boys share a dresser (ages 6 and 2) and my daughter has a dresser (5).  I picked out 5 pair of pants for my daugher and each one has 2 shirts that go with it.  One is long sleeve and the other is a heaver shrit like sweater or sweatshirt.  Her “church clothes” hang in her brother’s closet.  She has 5 church outfits.  4 dresses and 1 black velvety overalls with a shirt.  I only have 7 pairs of underwear for each child as well. (well…one day my 2 year old will have underwear!) 
    My oldest son has 2 pair of jeans, and right now, only 1 pair of church pants with 4 or 5 church shirts.  I NEED to keep clothing as sparce as I’m able.  I do laundry daily (since we don’t have room for laundry baskets…I just wash when I get a full load).  As far as clothing to grow into, I have a tub for each child that I store in the garage.  I used to try to sort it by season and size, but now it’s just by child.  I get rid of everything as soon as my daughter and youngest son outgrow them.  We have been blessed, and have gotten hand me downs for my daughter.  Thankfully I have to go through and weed out the ones she doesn’t need.  My oldest son, however has much fewer, because not too many people can  pass on clothes that are for a boy at that age!
    I would keep asking myself what I really needed.  Hope you are able to figure out what to do!!

    Oh, and have you heard of the Fly Lady??   Her organization system has helped me a lot!  I’m constantly trying to organize and get rid of stuff, since our home is so small!

    Lindsey – I wanted to say hi.  I met you at the SCM conference in Fl this past March!  Nice to see you on here!



    This fall I put away all but one or two pairs of shorts. We’ve done okay having a couple pairs of shorts and wearing long sleeve shirts & sweatshirts and changing into tee shirts later on warm days. I put away all the “summer” church clothes and we’ve been using pants with short sleeve shirts, sweaters as needed. I made myself crazy this spring pulling out all the summer stuff too early and not being able to fit anything in drawers. At least for me limiting the number of seasonal “transition” clothes out has helped.


    I have 4 boys, ages 10, 10, 6 and 4.  I just went through and got rid of about 75% of their clothes.  Each boy has 5 to 6 pairs of pants (some of the boys have shorts too, it’s up to them).  They each have 7 shirts and about 14 pairs of underwear.  3 pairs of pjs each.  We have all short sleeve shirts because we live in TX and even in winter it’s not that cold.  If it does get “cold” they just put on a hooded sweatshirt (they each have one).  

    My 4-year-old will ONLY wear shorts so he has 4 or 5 pairs of shorts and one pair of pants for “going out”.  As it gets colder I may transition him to more pants, but since we’re inside a lot, he really only needs pants if we’re going to be outside for an extended period in the winter.

    I don’t really worry about seasons because my kids are perfectly happy to wear pants outside in the summer and shorts inside in the winter.  If we lived in a more extreme climate we’d have to change that a bit.  Even when we lived in Nebraska with harsh winters they wore short sleeved shirts inside all the time and just put on a jacket to go out.  Same with shorts.  They’d just put on one of their long pants to go play outside and come back to put on shorts.

    My 2 10-yr-olds share a dresser.  They each have a separate drawer for pants, one for underwear/pjs and then they share a drawer of shirts.  They don’t wear the same size pants, but they do for shirts.  Their socks are in a hanging shoe organizer in the closet along with they church clothes.  They have one pair of church pants, one long sleeved white shirt and one short sleeved long shirt each.

    The 6 and 4-year-olds share a dresser.  Top drawer is 4-yr-old underwear and pjs, next drawer has his shirts and shorts/pants.  Third drawer is 6-yr-old shirts although 4-yr-old is starting to share those now.  Then 6-yr-old unders and pjs, then his pants/shorts.

    I don’t store anything anymore.  I’m done having babies so I don’t keep baby clothes.  If someone outgrows something and it’s still in good condition it goes straight into someone’s drawer and a smaller item is pulled out and handed down to the next kid, sort of a ripple effect.  If the next kid in line isn’t “big enough” for the handed down item I have one small box at the top of the closet to store it.  I check that a few times a year.  Some of the stuff can’t be handed down, one of my 10-yr-olds is a husky and the other a slim.  The 6-yr-old is super skinny so there’s no way he’ll every wear a husky so I just get rid of those, but keep the shirts.

    We have a ton of socks because that’s the one thing they can never find and sometimes several pairs get dirty/wet a day.  Those are stored, by size, in a hanging shoe organizer.

    I also have to do one load of laundry a day or people go naked.  Truly, they’d love that but I’m not okay with a bunch of streaking boys!!!!!

    Like Morgrace we’ve sort of done away with seasonal stuff.  That and limiting the number of items overall has really helped.


    Oh the lovely clothes switch! I’ve actually been working on ours the past few weeks and it’s working this year so thought I’d share!

    We have 7 -6 boys and 1 girl-2 boys in one room, 3 boys in another room and our girl and baby in the other room.

    My oldest two boys have a 6 drawer dresser-3 drawers each-one for socks/underwear/pj’s, one for shirts and one for pants. They are both VERY tall (the 13 year old is almost 6 feet) so their clothes take a lot of room. Their church clothes are in a drawer under their bed.

    My 3 middle boys share one closet for all their clothes (except church clothes which are in my husbands dresser). We put shelves in their closet-each child has one shelf with 4 rubbermaid bins (one for socks/underwear, 1 for pj’s, 1 for shirts, 1 for pants). There are two more shelves in that closet that I use for storing stuff. So right now (weather transition time-most days we can still wear shorts but occasionally need pants) I keep their summer stuff in the bins they access. I then have their winter stuff on the top shelves (washed and ready) and I get the outfits for those few times we need winter stuff. Once we are in mostly winter I will switch and put the winter stuff in their bins and keep a few summer clothes out on “my” shelves just in case. So far it is staying neat (well as neat as a boys room ever stays : ).

    My girl has her stuff in her dinky closet-dress clothes on the regular rod and play clothes hung from a thick dowel hung by a wire from the top rod (so she can reach it). For her transition time, I just have all her winter stuff hung from the dress clothes shelf so she can’t reach it. Our baby’s clothes are in my dresser (winter stuff STUFFED into the bottom drawer until I downsize his summer stuff).

    The biggest thing that has helped though is limiting the amount of clothes allowed. My boys have 6-7 pairs of pants, 6-7 shirts, 2 dress pants, 3 dress shirts. My girl has 4 dress outfits, 6 play dresses, 5 play pant outfits. Their shoes are also limited (tennies, hiking boots, snow boots, airwalks/sandals, dress shoes if their tennies or hiking boots aren’t nice enough for church). PJ’s-3 for most, 5 for bedwetters/diaper wearers. This limiting is SO HELPFUL-I’ve never limited before this year but man, is there a difference!!!

    We do store clothes-I have bins downstairs (one per seaon per size) as we won’t be done until God decides : ). The kids are NOT allowed to touch the bins-that is a recipe for disaster. When we didn’t have a downstairs for storage we used to store these in fruit boxes under a bed (you can store a lot under a bed).

    Mom to John (13), Sam (12), Jared (9), Simon (8), Jesse (5), Summer (3), Jude (19 months)


    Oh Shelly, I just had to stop by to say its SO good to see you back! I’ve missed you around here! Congratulations on blessing #6; Do you know if you’re having a boy or girl? I hope to see more of you! With Love, Heather


    Hi Shelly,

    I do not post much…..I read some and have gotten some great ideas from this forum.  I have 5 children and this is what we do……

    The solution that has worked best for my family has been a family closet.  I have a walk in closet in our master bedroom, so that is where the family closet is.  There are double racks all the way around except a very small single rack for my dresses.  the kids clothes go on the bottom rack so there is room underneath to slide in baskets for socks, undoes and pj’s.  I hang just about EVERYTHING else.  I have found this to be helpful so when my 4 year old is looking for his favorite shirt  there is no plundering therefore no mess after.

    I do keep containers of clothes (off season, sizes to grow into) in one of the bedroom closets.  The other kids rooms seem to stay cleaner becaue now the storage is dedicated to their stuff.

    The family closet has been a huge benefit for us.  I can put clothes away while they are sleeping at night, no more piles waiting to be put away.  We have one closet downstairs by the back door where all of the kids shoes go.

    I have also cut WAY back on the number of things they have (it is still prob too much)  My kids, no matter how much they have, usually develop favorites and wind up wearing the same things over and over any ways.

    Once I started looking at our clothes and ‘stuff’ differently (like what is need vs want) it became MUCH easier.

    I know this would not work for everyone and sometimes space may just not allow but if you can work it out I suggest trying it.  Be creative……even your laundry room can be your family closet.

    I can control one area much easier than I can control closets in each bedroom.  and the door has squeaky hinges so I can hear evertime someone goes in to get something……



    I am seconding the family closet and keeping things to a minimum.  We have eight children, and it has become a necessity for organization.  I agree with pretty much everything Laura has said, as our system is similar to hers, so I won’t type it all out again.



    I second and third the advice on keeping clothing to a minimum. That is the best help to me. I also recommend hanging up as much as you can and keeping all seasons in the closet if possible. You might consider installing a second hanging bar in the kids closets and keeping cold weather on the bottom bar, for example, and warm weather on the top. I have 2 girls 12 and 9 and 2 boys 7 and 2months. As my 12yo outgrows something and it is way too big for the 9 year old, I put it in a bin in the top of the closet. As my 9yo outgrows something I put it in a bag and give it away. As my 7yo outgrows something I put it in a bag and give it away too. I feel there is too big a gap btwn him and the baby to keep clothes that long especially with styles changing so often. Now with this baby as he outgrows his clothes I’m putting them in a bin to keep (because we are hoping to have more children) but for example his entire first year of clothing would fit all into one bin. We don’t have stacks and stacks of clothes. Hope that helps. :o)


    Thank you, Thank you …for all the advice. I would love to do the family closet and maybe just have to look at  our master bedroom closet differently. I love the idea of hanging two rods even in the kids bedroom (if we can get the family closet to work). Thank you all for the ideas and encouragement.

    Heather, I miss you and everyone on this forum. I just can’t seem to find the time to spend on here like I did before.


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