help for my 14 year old daughter

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    I need more wisdom and help.  I am struggling with my 14 year old daughter who has severe anxiety and depression.  We had a long talk today about school and did a brief map of her high school requirements.  This was helpful for her but brought up some changes we need to make for the new year.  Long story short, I need to find a course on the medieval times.  This is where her interest lie-and I want to capture that for now.  Two questions I have-

    1. What to use for middle ages

    2.  Should I do a 1/2 year course, or a 1 year cours with a break for summer.

    I am looking at beautiful feet senior high.  But I am open to ANYTHING as long as I can modify it to fit CM.

    I really need help-we are starting next week-and I have to go help my mother this weekend -she had surgery this week.

    Thanks for any  help you can spare!!




    We use BF guides and our dd really enjoys them.  At the time we used the Medieval guide, we were also using MFW so I combined the two, but this is not necessary.  You may find something useful here….


    We also like the TruthQuest History guides and Mystery of History. I believe WinterPromise has a medieval study as well. 





    SmileWe used SCM Module 4 last year.  You could use the 7-9 suggestions for less than a year, then if she’s up for going through the Renaissance and Reformation, you already have the guide to keep going.  Excellent book choices.  Simple plan.  Simple exam projects/ideas. 

    Look at the Free Sample.  There are also links and tips that might give you even more ideas.

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