Help, Does any one have a schedule they can show

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Help, Does any one have a schedule they can show

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  • Nancyt

    Hi, does anyone have a schedule of what their usual day looks like in their home? example 30 pages in this book, or this lesson in math, or how it looks? thank you so much, I appreciate ya’ll taking the time. God bless, nancyt.


    I am looking forward to peoples replies on this! Being half way through the year we are taking 2 weeks holidays at Christmas and I am looking to revamp our schedule, etc. It is something that I struggle a little in…balancing everything and trying to get everything done in the day!

    Sonya Shafer

    Wow. So much of this answer depends on the ages/levels of your children and the materials you’re working through this year, but I’ll be happy to share what we’re doing right now. I have three still in school and a typical day looked like this last week:

    • Advent reading and Scripture memory (working on learning Luke 2:1-20; reviewing other verses in our Scripture memory box)
    • Helped my youngest with breakfast dishes. She’s learning that life skill.
    • Worked with my youngest (who is on about a 4 or 5 yo level) one-on-one. We did three physical therapy exercises, two pages of math, practiced reading two sentences made from the words she knows, copied about six words, read one chapter in Prudence and the Millers. (She has autism and we’ve been working on reading three-letter short-a words for a couple of years now. I was so proud of her to read two sentences!)
    • While I was with youngest, the older two were doing independent work. Daughter 3 did the study guide of an Apologia module and a page of Math-U-See. Daughter 4 did Rosetta Stone Spanish, practiced violin, and read from her assigned history and science books.
    • Daughter 3 and youngest joined with me to do a chapter of Genesis, and we entered some events in Daughter 3’s Book of Centuries.
    • Then I did a lesson of Latin and a dictation exercise from Spelling Wisdom with Daughter 3.
    • A different dictation exercise from Spelling Wisdom with older daughter.
    • We all joined together to do a picture study of Grandma Moses and read together one chapter of the Dry Divide by Ralph Moody.
    • In the afternoon the two older ones did latch-hook and knitting. The older one also worked on editing a video for me. Youngest made a coloring book.

    And on Friday we put aside all the book work and had Game Day! Hurrah!


    WOW!!! Sonya, you seem to have it all together. I am looking forward to seeing other peoples schedules they use. Thank you so very very much, God bless, nancyt.

    Sonya Shafer

    Keep in mind that I’ve been doing this for about 13 years now, nancyt. Just like anything, it gets easier the more you do it. 😉


    My schedule goes something like this..

    7-Everyone gets woke (not that they aren’t up already but now they can come out of there rooms), get dressed, make beds, tidy room

    Between 7-8 : They do chores as asigned and one does breakfast duty

    8 : We gather together and do scripture memory & history

    At this point I have a 2yr old. So (I hope to explain this right) I take the 4.5 yr old and we do his math, learning to read and what ever else we find fun to do for an hour. As we are doing that the older 3 boys are taking 20 min turns: one is with the 2 yr old, one is doing piano lessons and the other is on independant work (math, spelling, religion, copywork, grammer if they can, or religion)and every 20 min they trade off.

    At 10: we come back together and do snack, literature, and either science, picture, music or poetry study

    Then the 4.5 yr old and 2 yr old go off to play and I’m free to help the older ones if they need me or to start looking over there work.

    We are usually done with main studies by 11 and then we have a handicraft that differs each month.

    My boys are 10, 9, 7, 4.5, 2.5 and due begining of Feb.

    I hope that helps a bit. Oh, we only do studies Mon-Thurs. Then Friday they have piano lessons during the day and we do any running so not to interfer with our time with dad at nights and the weekend.




    Wow, Misty you’ve got it together girl! 🙂 I wish I could say the same.

    With the baby in our house -it seems our day never seems to flow the same way, though I wish it would.

    We’ve been having our “family time” in the morning first thing but it seems we struggle through this because baby is at a stage now where he’s getting into everything and needs constant training.

    I’m thinking of moving our “family time” to the afternoon when baby takes a nap and instead doing “independant and mother guided time” first thing in the morning after chores.

    Have any of you done this? I would prefer to have the family time first but it seems so difficult to have that time be uninterrupted. Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful.

    Ps – sorry Nancy that I’m not much help to you but blessings to you for posting this question. 🙂


    Participant did not say how old your little one was but here’s what I have done now with 2 of my boys as we were going through this stage.

    Heres the 1st thing you have to know about our family. If we don’t do family items 1st thing in the morning they will not get done. I get busy, the kids get restless and dad may get home which just sends everyone in a whirl wind (never work w/ dad home:) ) So I had to find a way to do it regardless of who/when/why.

    We used a playpen from time of movement till about 12-18mo. Basically they had to sit and play with non-noisy toys, books, etc while we did family school time. Then when they were about 18-24mo we (outside of school time) worked directly on blanket time. At that point they don’t want to be in there or they just climb out so we taught them how to sit on a blanket (carpet scrap actually) that was basically big enough to sit on and they were told to stay. Also, working on quiet while there.

    It’s just an idea. I hope you get more. And good luck with how ever it fits into your families school day. The idea is just get it done at some point right? LOL



    PS. I am a VERY compulsive organized person that explains the schedule. Keeps me in line 🙂


    Heather- I just wanted to add in…I am one of those who cannot do family times in the morning. I have to resort to independant/mother guided, otherwise I fall on my face. I love the theory of having family time, etc, but in reality it just doesn’t work. I take a while to wake up, and seem to need the extra time in the mornings to prepare the crock pot with dinner, bath the toddler, etc, while the girls are off doing their chores, and when they are done with those, they move into their studies. After lunch is when we do our family stuff. I am hoping this will change, as I LOVE getting everything done in the morning. However, I haven’t gotten into that swing yet. So all that being said, you are not the only one who does family in the afternoons!

    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, yes. When I had babies and toddlers we did one-on-one work while they were awake, so the older kids could take turns watching the little ones. And we did together work during nap times. Absolutely.

    Isn’t it nice to have the flexibility to change schedules as life changes? 🙂


    Whew..I feel so much better now! Its so good to hear that others do afternoon family work. I’m going to change our schedule after the new year for term 2. I’m really hoping this works out better.

    This may sound crazy but because we have so many interruptions during morning family time and knowing the kids still have their independant and mother guided work to do, I often feel rushed. I think that moving it to the afternoon (baby nap time) might cause us (me) to relax and enjoy our family time knowing that everything else has been completed already. I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way. 🙂

    I know that Charlotte might disagree as she believed to have everything done by the afternoon – but did she have any babies in her classroom? 🙂

    Thanks again everyone!




    Heather- I totally agree with you, as I am unable to concentrate when the chores are not done. I need some sort of organisation, and that does not happen until close to lunch time on some days. As much as I try to do the family time on the morning, I can only accomplish it once or twice, and although it feels great, the next day it does not flow like that, and the guilt sets in, as I think about what Chrlotte Mason says. LOL. Remember, the beauty of HS is that we can adjust our scheudles to fit the needs of our families during diff seasons in life. What will work for one, does not work for another. Gee…I think I am speaking to mysdelf today! =P


    Wow, everyone is so right on with everything. I only have 1 dd I am homeschooling, everything seems to be family time because it is all one on one. I sometimes take care of a single moms daughter who is k4, but that is really not schooling. she sits in with all we do, and we do some abc’s and 123’s but she is not ready for the reading stuff yet. I still cant get a schedule together with what we are doing to knowwhen comes what and which book comes first and so on. I guess I lack the organizational skills but I am trying, I so want to do my own curriculum, instead of sonlight and tapestry and winters promise and all those other great ones out there. I just feel a need to do it on my own, (with help) but I seem to be going in circles and not quite getting it together. Does that make since to anyone? God bless, nancyt.

    Afternoon family time? Doesn’t anyone else need a nap by then?! :O

    I wouldn’t be much help right now in sharing a put-together schedule. But I am tweaking ours–again! Since I need to have our together time in the morning or it doesn’t get done, yet the girls have outside and inside chores (we have a mini farm), I’m shooting for our Bible/together time to be around 10:30. Most everyone is up and moving by 7:30 (I have 9 dc ages 2 to 22), so that gives them time to get chores done and if they’re waiting, they can either work on independent work or practice an instrument.

    Our afternoons are either for lessons (giving and taking), sewing/crafting and 2 dds take turns making supper (so with all that help why am I still floundering sometimes?! LOL!)

    We’re pretty relaxed, not CM strictly, but using (or trying to use!) CM methods in what we do. I thought maybe sharing how I’ve had to push the together time back a bit might help–not first thing, but not left too long in the day for those of us with highly probably distractions that come up later! 😀





    Can anyone point me to where Charlotte wrote about family time? I mean, not that we don’t have family time, but it is normally when my husband is home in the evening. Please share so I can go read about it! I have yet to own this wonderful series…but I continue to borrow the books from the library and read when I can. I wish I could just upload my schedule here because I don’t have the time to type it all up. Basically, we do the majority of our work in the morning (reading, writing, math, grammar, etc). Projects (which I am minimizing as soon as possible after reading that other thread!) are done in the afternoon if at all. My dd loves hands on work, but I do believe she is capable of doing much of it on her own. So I may just let her go at it with me available for questions or help.

    My children are 6, 3, 20 months and 5 months so I have a very hectic schedule around here as well.

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