I was sold on HOD until I stumbled on this website. I am wondering if anyone uses or has used HOD…I am having a hard time simply based on the fact that I really like 106 Days of Creation…and I like the idea of starting history from the beginning…beginning of time! I thought I could combine the two…but would that be too confusing? Thank you for your input!
I LOVE HOD. It is a wonderful program and I was planning on using it next year, however, I have changed my mind. I re-read Charlotte’s volumes 3 and 6 on my vacation (I even read 6 TWICE–tells you how much leisure time I had, LOL) Anyway, I now feel inspired once again to “do my own thing”, as it were.
I think HOD is perfect if you have no clue about CM and want A LOT of handholding or really need a detailed schedule to keep you on track. I think SCM gives you more wiggle room and I absolutely adore the organizer. When I did a test run of HOD at the beginning of summer I felt it was just perfect, but following SCM is much easier on me psycologically. I felt guilty modifying and/or skipping things which really made me stressed out. I like her science, but I like my kids narrating out of Comstock better, or using Apologia’s El Science together. I like to pick out copywork and dictation passages and love Spelling Wisdom too, so I just didn’t need what HOD had to offer there.
I think I will continue with Little Hearts for my four year old because she loves the songs and rhymes and Thorton Burgess stories and she needs some “mom time” away from her brothers, but the older kids are going to do a pure CM schedule with what I have learned of Charlotte and the SCM organizer to keep me all neat and tidy.
If you would like everything laid out for you then you will probably love HOD, but if you are more comfortable with CM and want it more “pure” I would go with the organizer or the SCM scedule.
Oh, I should mention that her book choices are the best! I am continuing to use many of her books in a CM way in the organizer. I just needed to bag the schedule for my sanity. That may be a way to combine things if you wish. I like how the bible is so integrated, but decided that I would prefer my kids to do Sonya’s Proverbs study and narrate small portions of the KJV bible.
i forgot to say thank you! i purchased bigger hearts for his glory…i like it so far. i think i need some hand holding despite the fact that i don’t want it! i want to get a better foundation before i start going on my own. i am quite sure i will end up doing SCM’s guide next year. i am even tempted to add 106 days of creation as my son LOVES science, and HOD only does it a few times a week…and even then it is quite limited…i also really want to do Gen thru Deut this year…do you think that’s too much? i am thinking it’s a world hist and american hist together…? or maybe i should CHILL…and let it be easy??
<<I re-read Charlotte’s volumes 3 and 6 on my vacation (I even read 6 TWICE>>
I’m impressed! I started reading Vol 6 and put it down. I purchased the SCM All Day CM Seminar and I’ve been enjoying it! Since I’ve been a bit under the weather today, I took out Vol I and started reading it. I’m enjoying and understanding it! My goal is to read through the “Education” volumes (1, 3, 6). I’ve been marking my favorite quotes. One day (not in the near future), I would like to start a CM quote book for myself.
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