Heart of Dakota advice…HELP!

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  • Needing some advice about Heart of Dakota: I have a daughter that just turned 5 two weeks ago and weve been using Timberdoodles curriculum but want to use Heart of Dakota for the new school year 2012/13. She knows how to write the alphabet, and knows her numbers and the concepts of addition and subtraction….do you recommend using 1st grade?


    I am not very familiar with their curriculum, but it appears she would fall in the category for age 5-7. Is that for kindy or 1st grade? I didn’t see a grade level.



    I used HOD for a couple of years with my oldest.  I had hoped to use Little Hearts for His Glory with my 1st grader, but it was way too advanced for him.  He was not as far along with letters and numbers at the time as your dd seems to be.  From what I know of the program, and from what you’ve stated about your dd, it may be a good fit for her skillwise, but it may be too intense for her age academically according to Charlotte Mason standards.  I would probably do something less structured for her at age 5 and save Little Hearts for His Glory until she is 1st grade age. Just my .02!  Hope this helps some!


    i used LHFHG with my kindergartener and we LOVED it. We didn’t do everything exact…we did it through bible history and then stopped when it got to American History.  Carrie started skipping around in books and I hated that.  But the chronological study through bible was very age appropriate and joyful.  You can choose your own phonics and math and tailor that to age.  

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