Healthy Baking

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  • dmccall3

    Hi everyone!

    I’m thinking now that my son is 3 that he would enjoy baking with me. I love to bake but never do because then we’d have the sweets to eat and I don’t want that. (Well I do but I don’t if you know what I mean.) I know I could give the treats away and that *is* an option but if there are times I don’t want to go that route, does anyone have any healthy baking they could recommend?




    dmccall, We’ve used both of these with good results.  For the “goldfish” crackers, I think it works best to roll the dough into a log, chill and slice.  I didn’t have much luck with cutting them as per the directions.  They’re fun, easy, and yummy.  

    There are countless other possibilities, but I think these are fun and familiar, and a great sub for the preservative and MSG laden grocery store counterparts.

    Something else my kids have enjoyed from little-hood is making fruit salad (chopped apples, sliced grapes-they do the slicing with a butter knife-pineapple chunks and raisins with plain yogurt, and, if you’re a really nice mom, some marshmallows).  We really like serving this in ice cream cones, for which someone posted a recipe earlier this week ;o)

    Have fun with your little guy!



    I wonder if you could do something like muffins too?  I have a coupel of recipes that are more healthy – at least they are honey sweetened.  Better than dessert-y stuff anyhow.   Mine have always loved helping with pancakes too (although in our house, that is strictly Papa’s job…last time I tried to make them (he was gone for a week) I was told I didn’t do it right…)



    Also, try this great blog for healthier recipes. We particularly enjoy the Mudballs! GREAT hands-on fun for your little one :). Have fun!


    Since we are a GF family, I have had to really get creative and resourceful with my baking. We really enjoy sweets, but I find that we all feel so much better when we stay away from refined sugars. I have made cupcakes from this cake recipe, and they are really yummy {and healthy}!

    Also, I haven’t yet, but soaking your flours before baking with them is a great way to make your baked goods more healthful and easier to digest. There are others on this forum who are much more knowledgable in this than me, however. I like The Healthy Home Economist for suggestions on healthy baking and healthy eating in general. 

    One simple thing I have done is to replace all refined sugars with raw sugars in my baking and cooking. Coconut sugar, sucanet, and rapidura can all be substituted cup-for-cup in baking, and they add a unique flavor to baked goods. This one thing has really curbed the sugar highs and lows I used to have after eating anything with sugar in it. I don’t even keep white sugar in the house anymore.

    Anyway, gotta go now, but I look forward to others’ suggestions. This is one area I’m always trying to improve on!




    Thanks everybody! These are great tips and resources!


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