Have you used Salsa spanish episodes?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Foreign Languages Have you used Salsa spanish episodes?

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  • Delkroemer

    I found Salsa spanish through this board, I think. I looked it up and let my 5 and 6 yr old girls watch the show – not knowing it was entirely in spanish lol.

    They enjoyed it a lot anyway, but I am just wondering how anyone uses these to teach or share Spanish language with their children. I guess I am confused as to how they will figure out much of what is goin on or what words mean when the entire show is in Spanish.I know some Spanish words are easy to figure out, but how has watching spanish shows helped your child learn the language?


    We use Salsa. I do know some Spanish, but there are word for word transcripts for each episode.


    are the word for word transcripts in english? I will have to check them out.


    They are in two columns. One column is English, the other Spanish. There is also a lot of repetition of the key words for each episode. The story breaks also emphasize the vocabulary. There are also online Spanish English dictionaries if you need help with pronunciation. I have http://www.wordreference.com bookmarked because every now and then the Salsa episode uses a word I never learned.


    There are also lesson plans that go along with the episodes to reinforce what is being taught. They were on a separate website. I had to google it and look around to find them. I wish we had found the lesson plans earlier. My children love watching it and they picked up some basic vocabulary but I think they would have learned more with the lesson plans. They are very easy to follow along with and figure out. My 4yo actually picked up the most from them!



    We didn’t use the lesson plans, but each episode has a few words that it specifically targets.  I wrote these on paper that we posted near our kitchen table.  During meals it’s a bit of a game to try to use the words whenever we can.



    We watch an episode twice a week. I also write out 6 key words that I get from the transcripts and put them on index cards. We practice these words all week. I must say though that they use them all the time on their own anyway. They say Spanish is their favorite thing about school! They use the words they are learning all day long. I’m curious about the lesson plans though. I’ll have to check them out.


    Tecrz1, are these the lesson plans you meant? They only go through Episode 6.



    bump. I am trying to figure out how to schedule Salsa Spanish for next year. Are there more lesson plans somewhere? How did you schedule it? What would I use next?


    The Wyoming site offers lessons plans for all episodes.  Go to http://edu.wyoming.gov/Programs/standards.aspx and expand the Foreign Languages tab.

    We are doing SALSA this year.  I plan to do 1 episode a week, 4x a week.  So we’ll watch the approx 20 min episode each day and practice/learn 4-6 vocab words each day.  


    The lesson plans from the above link have recommendations for extension activities, vocabulary reinforcement, songs, and games over a two week period for each episode. We plan to do the recommendations in the lesson plans over one or two weeks.




    I know this is an old thread, but in case anyone like me is looking here, I wanted to update the links to the materials.


    I think Wyoming updated their site, so the links listed no longer work.  If you use this link and scroll down to K-2 Foreign Language Instruction it has a link to click “Salsa Materials”.  That opens up a menu with materials for Lesson 1-42.  Hope that helps someone!  Thanks to everyone on these forums that pointed me to Salsa in the first place – it’s good stuff!


    Thank you for the updated link… and the general reminder about Salsa! It’s something I keep meaning to let the kids watch occasionally, but always forget. I would like to schedule it in this year, and the added activities would definitely help guide the conversations (I know some Spanish, enough to get my point across, but not nearly enough to hold a full conversation).


    I just discovered Salsa this afternoon ironically!  For those of you who use it, is there another place other than the gpb website to watch the videos? Just curious because our TV is very old and I can’t connect the newer web browsing DVD players to it. I was figuring we would have to watch it on my computer or my phone, which is not ideal, but hey it’s free!  I just spent a considerable amount of time looking through the Wyoming Dept of education resources and they are fantastic! A lot of work was put into those lesson plans!

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