Have you picked out your Artists/Composers for next year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Have you picked out your Artists/Composers for next year?

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    What poets will you be studying or will you just do a compilation?  


    I haven’t chosen our artists and composers just yet. However, we will be focussing on Texas history (no SCM guide for a while.) For poetry, we will choose from the poems found on this site and in some older books I have in our library.



    I tend to decide on these things last minute.  We have a collection of CDs by different composers and a book with mini-biographies, so I don’t need to think too far ahead.  For picture study, we tend to jump around…I have a book of 100 famous paintings that we use.  For poetry, we may spend a few weeks on Christina Rossetti and/or Lewis Carol.  Otherwise, we’ve been going through Favorite Poems Old and New and I imagine we will still be working through it next fall.


    I do the same as Holly. Whatever strikes our fancy at the time is what we do. I have all the PSP’s plus CDs and bios of most artists/composers. Plus we are involved in Suzuki violin so that directs a lot of our composer study. When my oldest 9yo learned his first Vivaldi concerto, Vivaldi had to be our next composer. 🙂


    As far as composers, I have handed that job over to my husband who is pretty musically inclined 🙂 We’ve got the music, he’ll just decide what composer and put that composer’s music somewhere accessible to me, like my IPhone or something so I can play it whenever during those weeks. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to navigate his music files and actually get it to play through the speakers. Plus, it’s nice to hand some responsibility over, especially since its his forte. As far as artists, I think I’m going to pick several from the Discovering Great Artists book so we can do a related art project every several weeks or so, and just check out some books from the library or use a couple online museums for picture studies of those artists. For poets, we’re doing basically the AO year 1 recommendations (I’m just homeschooling a 6 year old currently plus toddler) at least the first 2 terms because I have those resources already.


    I enjoy using Discovering Great Artists for planning out our artists studies. I typically plan to study more artists than SCM has listed for a year just because DGA has so many wonderful ways to study so many. This year, however, we will probably only study 6-8 artists.

    In the past, I’ve used Classical Music for Dummies as our resource for composers studies. This year, I’m going through the books I’ve gathered at library book sales and pulling stories from one or more if our Mr. Pipes’ series. I’ll add the music one I find what is available for the composers I end up choosing (6-8 is all we will attempt for the year.)


    If we study one poet, I’m fairly certain it will be Kipling. We also love using FPO&N.


    I like this free resource for studying composers. There is a small printable timeline with small picture cards. I like that it goes in chronological order and I don’t have to make the decision each year, we just do the next ones. http://thatresourcesite.com/trs/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=194&lid=915


    TailoMade I really enjoy hearing about how you do things.


    Often we follow the AO schedule. However, I see that they have not posted the coming years rotation for composers/artists/shakespeare/plutarch yet.

    We usually do one composer and artist per term. We use Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artisits/Composers series plus library books, coffee table books, and sometimes postcard sized prints from Rainbow Resources. We listen online to Classical Kids bios, and we get the CD’s of the composers from Vox Music Masters. We have done some Color the Composers story cds as well.

    Mostly we read and discuss together and they narrate. Sometimes we do our own art projects to go along with it. Not always.

    We have scheduled it many years with Fine Arts Friday as the day to do all the “extras”, but now that my two oldest have fuller plates with readings and other school, we do one “extra” as a family each morning after breakfast. M-Artist,

    T- Composer, W- Nature Study, Th- Shakespeare,

    F- Plutarch. It takes 10 minutes or so. It is a laid back yet fun way to broaden our horizons and we have benefited greatly by it.

    We read poetry together at “teatime” in the afternoons. Also, the older ones read their own poetry.

    This year we used Harmony Arts Orchestra lesson plans reading Story of the Orchestra and we read through The Story of Painting together. I also used Can You Hear It? which incorporates art and music. It was fun.

    Will probably do at least Strauss and Brahms this year as we have not done them yet. Also want to do Georgia O’Keefe at some point. Hope this gives someone a few ideas.

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