Have some questions about the History module?

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  • Des

    Sonya, i’ve decided to use history module 1 when we revisit the Ancients next year and I was wondering for my 1st grader it says that the story Bible by Catherine Vos is optional, i’m wondering if we can use the Ergemeir story Bible because that’s what he has? Thanks

    Sonya Shafer

    I would think that would work, Des. We recommend using The Child’s Story Bible for lessons that may need some editing to keep them “rated G” for the younger children. Some parents are good are rephrasing off the top of their heads; others prefer to use a child’s story Bible for those accounts. I know that Catherine Vos does a great job of conveying the account in appropriate words while not watering down the text, so I recommend her book. Feel free to use Ergemeir if it does the same thing.


    Ergemeier is great and makes a great substitute for Module 1 for Vos.

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