Has your DH ever wanted to change jobs?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Has your DH ever wanted to change jobs?

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  • Doug Smith

    Sometimes I think we over spiritualize decisions like these and miss out on the simplicity of concepts like Psalm 37:4:

    Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

    When we are God’s child and are walking in His ways, then some decisions aren’t neccesarily a matter of His will. He gives us a variety of good things in our lives and we can take any path that’s not sinful or in violation of His clear will spelled out in His Word.

    It’s often more like chocolate or vanilla. Choose one and enjoy!

    Rebekah P

    Thanks Doug!

    This is such a wonderful way of looking at making decisions.  It’s also very freeing!


    Doug, that is EXACTLY how dh feels! He says the same thing…we seem to sometimes over spiritualize things..that God is not shaking His head or giving a thumbs up with job changes. Unless of course it is against His word and a sin! Sure we can ask for a clear direction. And He may give us one, but He may not. Does that mean it is wrong?

    Love that verse!! 🙂


    Great post!

    We were just dealing with this as well.  DH works for a GM dealership as a mechanic and was unsure about the stability there.  We live in a snowy state and he would love to get out of working on vehicles that are dripping ice and snow on him.  He has left this job and gone back two times (he loves his boss and coworkers) so he is somewhat fearful about leaving without it being a neon sign from God.  

    Well last year in Feb. we had a triple wammie within a two week period, I was in a hit and run (no medical bills but wrecked the van which was paid off and we did not have full coverage on – so had to purchase a vehicle that we would all fit in), it was decided our son was going to have eye surgery, and we found out we were expecting our fifth baby.  Now the last two may not be a big deal but our insurance through his work is not what we would call great and our out of pocket expense will end up being $8000.(we are just getting all the bills now with our suprise c-section instead of our midwife)  So we wondered what is God trying to tell us.  Should we try to sell our house?  Does DH need to find a different job to make more?  A different job in a different field?  All that to be said, I believe the Lord’s hand was on all of those things to help us to get uncomfortable and look into all our options.

    Getting back to the job, we decided after praying that maybe we should be looking now for another job instead of waiting until he doesn’t have one.  We went back and forth while praying wether to search, wait until he could have his annual review, etc.  You know the whole what do we do, what do we do.  We decided since the review kept getting pushed back that we could at least see what was out there and the income level to see if it would bring a raise.  We were only wanting information.  The first job my husband got a hold of talked with him for over an hour!  I was expecting a send your resume type deal well not in this field.  As he continued to contact the other job postings that we found he was offered three different jobs in three different states.  It was exciting, it was stressful, I was also searching the homeschooling laws and houses everywhere! 🙂  When all was said and done we did not have the “peace that passeth all understanding”.  Either the housing wasn’t available, the pay was not more to make a cross country move for, or it just didn’t sound right.  During this time my husband also thought about jobs for instructors at technical colleges in our area.  The day he shared that with me I checked the two in our area and one had posted the day before for the full-time instructor for his field.  Wow is that Gods hand we wondered?  We wouldn’t have even been looking into that job if not having searched the previous ones.  He applied for that position and we are currently waiting to hear if they would like to interview him or not.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that he will get the job just because of it seeming like amazing timing from the Lord but if nothing else we feel that the Lord’s hand is guiding us.

    So long story but what a growing experience in our faith, trust, and closeness with God and eachother.  We have a hard time with, is it His will vs not His will.  I like what Doug said with the chocolate vs vanilla.  We chose to take a step and allow God to open and close doors.  If you are both truly seeking God during this time He will guide you.  Even though we would all LOVE a neon sign, well at least I would ;), He does answer.  Yes, No, Wait…

    Praying for you!


    My husband worked for 21 years in the food industry and just changed jobs last summer – to paper manufacturing. He loves his new job! Less stress, learning a new job that he finds interesting, and not dreading going to work every day has made for a much happier man. He also has better work hours and better pay. It has been a better situation for him all around. He had to wait a long time to see this change come to pass, but God used the situation to grow us all while we waited.

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