Has anyone used these science resources?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Has anyone used these science resources?


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  • anniepeter

    Living Learning Books or Science Through Childern’s Literature? (geared to kids K-7 or so)  I just stumbled across them while looking for high school science alternatives and they look very CM.  If you’ve used one or both, could you share your experience – likes and dislikes?  I’d like to try and compare the two….I have 106 Days for this year, but after that I would consider this with my younger group.

    Also, I fould this dvd course for my high schoolers that I’m really excited about – Biology 101.  I plan to use it with the included guide for a complete course which includes the 4 1/2 hr dvd set and several added books of the students choosing on the various topics.  This should be perfect for my kids who are interested in Agricultural and Environmental science.  This way we can use the add-in books to create the emphasis we want while being sure to cover the bases for an ordinary bio class.  Yahoo!  I’m so excited!  Has anyone here used this?  Want to encourage me on or talk me out of it?!?!


    Bumping this up…

    blue j

    anniepeter, I am using Biology 101 with my girls.  Yesterday was the first day of viewing with the girls.  However, I was EXTREMELY impressed with the quality of the video.  I was afraid it would be too “amateurish in nature or of lesser quality, but it was not like that.  Though not quite as polished as a big time production, it is still very high quality.  On top of that, the explanations and information that we viewed yesterday were EXCELLENT.  My 9th grade student and my 5th grade student watched it together with me, and both of them thoroughly enjoyed it AND learned the information.  I specifically purchased this for my 9th grader with the idea that my 5th grader would get some information from it, but it appears that she may get more information than I first anticipated. Smile

    All that long-winded commentary to say that I am very pleased with this purchase.

    Here’s a bit of info that is good to know.  The Guidebook and Quizzes and the Course Accreditation Program is included on one of the DVD’s to be uploaded onto the computer.  I saved these to My Documents and then uploaded to Staples.com and had them print and comb bind these with clear cover and black plastic back.  I can’t remember the total cost of this, but it was around $10 – $12.  For me this was worthwhile since I would have gone through more than one printer cartridge, not been able to print front and back easily, nor had a nice binding and cover like I was able to order from Staples to protect them.

    I printed the two items separately, but because I keep record of the information for the class a bit differently than is presented in the Accreditation Program, I could easily have printed it as one document which would have lowered the cost for printing it.  However, if you need to keep very specific hours for each course you cover, printing them separately is the way to go since you can print this over and over again for each student which is very nice.

    I plan to put a more thorough review of this program up after we have worked through it for a while so that I can comment on the positive and negative aspects more thoroughly. 


    Thank you for the insight!  Mine’s on the way now…Yay!  I’ll consider the print/bind too.  That’s a good idea.

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