Has anyone used Mastering Mathematics?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Has anyone used Mastering Mathematics?


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  • AprilMayJune75

    We have been using RightStart- Level A for the past couple of months, and it just doesn’t seem to “gel” for us. I am going to keep at it for a while longer, but in the meantime, I’m looking for more “mastery-based” alternatives for next year, that don’t skip all over the place. This was recommended on another board, and after exploring, I think it might work really well for us. However, I’m also looking at Ray’s, too.

    Has anyone used Mastering Mathematics before? Is it CM-friendly at all? Did you and your kids like it? If your kids are a little older now, do you feel like it provided a solid foundation for going on to higher math in the 7th through 12th grade years?

    Thanks! 🙂



    Well, I haven’t used Level A, but we are doing Level B.  I know the topics occasionally move around, but RS is a mastery based program….   You are advised to sit on a topic and play games until the idea is mastered.

    I know in Level B, you do some things with numbers, and then do money.  But the work with numbers was identifying and working with numbers 1-5, and they then introduce work with pennies and nickles…. so it is related.  then more work with numbers (up to 100) – mostly multiples of 10’s… intruducing the concept of place value really… and then they introduce dimes, and working with multiples of dimes…. so again, a practicle application of the work being done.  The geometry stuff seems a little thrown in to me, but other than that, SO FAR, it seems to work well like that…. that there is a connection to the topics…




    I am so glad you posted this!  I was not aware of this curriculum and now am very interested!  We have been using Math Mammoth, which I like, but will have to discontinue because of printing costs.  Therefore, I am seeking something else!  The other math that keeps catching my eye is Life of Fred Elementary.  The author’s explanation of why he wrote/is writing this series really makes me think about how I should approach math instructionn with my 6 year old daughter.

    Hoping some others will chime in…



    We use it and like it. It is not your typical scope and squence. It has 6 workbooks addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division ,fractions, and Decimals.  It is CM in the fact the lessons are short. I like the fact that the back of pages are blank so the only thing they are looking at are the problems on their page. It’s not cluttered or distracting. It comes with everything you need as far as manipulatives… My children love playing the board games… This year we are using Teaching Textbooks but also using MM multiplication for my 3rd grader and fractions for my 5th grader…Teaching Textbooks are computer based and  have wonderful explanations and since we had to start testing I wanted to make sure they also got all the “extras” for their grade level. But I couldn’t not use MM it’s great for mastering each major function.It’s written to the child but my children still needed it explained (they’re more auditory) but overall we like it and I feel like they retained much more than in previous years…. Thats why even though they are loving Teaching textbooks I cant stop using MM to make sure they have the mastery that they need.

     Hope that helps,



    Thanks for the feedback on both RightStart (suzukimom) and Mastering Mathematics (Amy)! 🙂 I am going to give RightStart at least until the end of the term, possibly until the end of the year, and probably just skip the geometry aspect of it for now. It’s just nice to have something in my back pocket if/when the time comes for a switch.



    I agree with Amy!!  MM can also be used as a supplement to other programs if your student needs extra help in area.  Singapore is our primary math program,but we have a set of MM workbooks that were gifted to us that we use to fill in when we need more practice on a concept.

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