Has anyone done Module 2 and 3 in one year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Has anyone done Module 2 and 3 in one year?

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  • pjssully


    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to combine the modules 2 and 3 into a 1 year study.  I know that I have read that people have done the first three modules in 1 year and i would like to know how to do that!!  If anyone has had experience with combining modules, please either send me a PM or respond to this post.




    Best practical advice I can give is to tell you to look at your calendar and the modules. See how many days you are doing History. Add the number of lessons in both books togethter. Divide that number with the number of days you are doing history and that will tell you how many lessons to do in a day.

    Or plan that you have a 90 day term for Ancient Greece and a 90 day term for Ancient Rome. Then do the math from there. How many days per week are you scheduling history? How many lessons are there? Divide those days into the number of lessons and you have your schedule for both.

    Might I suggest that if you combine these modules that you look for audiobooks to listen to while eating or doing handicrafts, etc. – there are several free from librivox that might make it easier for you to complete a module in depth, such as:

    Jacob Abbott’s Alexander the GreatCleopatra, Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Romulus

    Alfred Church’s The Illiad for Boys and Girls, The Oddyssey for Boys and Girls,

    Haaran’s Famous Men of Greece and Famous Men of Rome,

    Nathanial Hawthorne’s A Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales, (I highly recommend these for mythology tales…they are terrific!)

    James Baldwin’s Old Greek Stories

    Padriac Colum’s The Golden Fleece and the Heroes That Came Before Achilles

    There are also many interesting You-Tube videos about Ancient Greece that you can watch for free.

    Jackie Betancourt

    Thank you for asking this question, Pam. I was wondering this very same thing this week! Sheraz, you have given some great suggestions, and I needed these. Thanks to you both!

    Blessings, Jackie in TN


    Thanks so much for this information.  It was very helpful!!


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