Has anyone combined history modules to shorten scope/

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Has anyone combined history modules to shorten scope/

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  • momflex

    I have an 8th, 5th and 3rd grader and would like to shorten the 6year history modules into 4 years. Has anyone ever combined modules? How did you do it and how did it go for you? I appreciate any advice. I would like to make this “last” round for him more “bible” centered and not so fact oriented even though that will happen. …running out of time.


    Sonya Shafer

    About the only way I know of to shorten the history rotation into four years is to combine all the Ancients into one year. However, if your goal is to focus more on the Bible history, that combination would require cramming Genesis through Acts into one year. So I’m a bit stumped on this one.

    Anybody have any ideas?


    The Bible reading is doable, especially since they are all old enough to do longer independent reading (the 3rd grader might need some help).  Though, you will have to pick and choose projects, and I think you will be doing ALOT more reading.  Basically, you might be giving up a lot of details in the study. 

    Another option is to plan four modules to do as a family (over the next four years), and each year have your son complete half of a module (or a whole one) as independent study.  Then when he graduates, you can continue normally with the rest of the kids. –In fact, I think I like this idea more than cramming and skipping over stuff.

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