Well, i couldn’t resist posting this article. There had been a little discussion about whether or not what we read affects us and how it affects some more than others and things that might be a cause of concern. It would be my opinion that if your child is asking for a pet owl in a birdcage they should not be reading Harry Potter, and if YOU want an owl for your child’s Harry Potter birthday party, you should ALSO not be reading Harry Potter. (Obviously these people were NOT watching the owl on the birdcam – watching them rip apart a rabbit is horrifying – can’t imagine wanting that in your house!)
I don’t think it’s any worse than wanting a clownfish because there was one in “Finding Nemo” … but wise parents would see that both owls and clownfish are not easy pets to keep!
LOL! Well, I would never get an owl for anything to do with Harry Potter! But I’d love an owl (I hope to be a wildlife rehabilitator–some day, when I don’t have quite as much “rehabilitating” to do with the human teens in my home!) I think owls are amazing! But then, I like animals with non-human eating habits–I had to go watch my son’s snakes when they ate today–I think they’re fascinating! LOL
Has anyone else ever read the adorable book Wesley the Owl? Loved it . . . True story of an owl that a rehabilitator kept and raised.
Bookworm – you crack me up! Haven’t read Wesley – will have to find… I too want an owl, but I want a wild one in the yard to eat my garden pests, and I really don’t want to see them do it. Alas my hubby won’t let me get an owl box. Maybe I should have him read Harry Potter!