Happy Hanukkah!!

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  • thepinkballerina

    Happy Hanukkah!! We don’t know any families celebrating IRL so wanted to wish you all a blessed celebration! My friend from church who doesn’t celebrate Christmas (or Hanukkah) emailed me today to say Happy Hanukkah, so that made me feel great!

     Does anyone live in the St Louis area and celebrates Hanukkah?

    We are about to finish some school work late (had to go shopping all morning), then off to make potato latkes my favorite!! Martha Steward has a demo on her website of how to make them..Then tonight play dreidel and watch the Maccabees cartoon.


    Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating – I wish you all many blessings.  Linda


    Some of the happiest memories I have are when we celebrated Hanukkah with our two oldest boys when they were younger. We still play the dreidel game every year & light the Menorah. Along with the others, Happy Hanukkah!



    My girls are enjoying the latkes this year! (last year was our first year to celebrate and they didn’t care for them). They are begging for more. lol 🙂 We use gum drops for the Dreidel game.

    Rachel White

    Thank you! Happy Hanukkah to ya’ll, too! I’m going to try Sprouted flour doughnuts http://nourishedkitchen.com/sprouted-grain-doughnuts/ (or regular or soaked-http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/healthy-treat-for-today-whole-wheat-donuts) this year and my son wants to make homemade gelt, so that’ll be fun!

    Lots of dreidals spinning around here, latkes with both applesauce and sour cream, music and Hanukkah books.Here’s some recipes and fun videos for the children:http://www.chabad.org/holidays/chanukah/default_cdo/jewish/Hanukkah.htm


    Making homemade tzedakah boxes to think of others for all year long is another great project.

    Blessings on you all and may you enjoy remembering G-d’s Mighty Hand in History and Dedicating the Temple that our L-rd worshipped and taught in!

    Shalom and Chag Sameach! Rachel


    I”ll check out those sites, Rachel, thanks! We’ve been listening to Hanukkah music on Pandora Radio! Yes both homemade applesauce and sour cream with the latkes–MMM! We’ve checked out H. books also. So fun! I love how Jesus walked into Solomon’s temple on the Feast of Dedication. Never knew what that Feast was til last year!!

    CSMamma I hope my children remember these new family traditions fondly one day. 😉


    Rachel White

    OK, as the last candles are lit tonight, going into our last day, I thought I would update ya’ll on my first attempt, after 10 years of celebrating Chanukkah, at making donuts!

    I made the sprouted grain donuts referenced above and they turned out great! Everyone was pleased. I didn’t make any icing; just drizzled some honey on top. I was very pleased and doubly satisfied because I knew what the ingredients were and what kind of oil they were cooked in. So now ya’ll know it works so you too can try it!

    Happy Chanukkah again everyone!





    Could you send your donut recipe to us at the blog? We’d love to post that! So unique!



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