Hands On Math?


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  • faiths13

    Does something like this exist – a math book for K or 1st grade, that goes in an order of subjects that need to learned for that grade, but it is not a workbook, but just a book of guided hands on activities?


    I just purchased Math On the Level at convention. I think that may be what you are looking for. I needed something for my 11 yo daughter who is struggling so much in math. I think she will learn better by doing math this way. We haven’t actually started yet, because we already finished this school year. But, I’m excited about using it, and plan to use it some over our summer break, by playing some games, and doing things like cooking and whatever fun things I can come up with that it doesn’t feel like ‘school in the summer’. You teach math by playing games and doing fun activites, and just real life stuff. The written work is minimal. All concepts are included in the program, starting at the beginning and going to pre-algebra. So this math can last you at least from kindergarten through jr. high. You can cover concepts in whatever order you choose. I won’t try to explain everything. You can see it on their website. I did meet the lady who developed the program. She and her husband are available to answer any questions and help in any way. They are a very nice, down to earth couple, who are homeschoolers just like us. She wrote this math program because she taught her children this way, and some other homeschool moms were interested in teaching their children this way too. Hope this helps:)


    RightStart is another one similar to what psreitmom was describing.  They also have a book of games.



    This is not exactly what you are looking for, but there is a series of books called Math Start. They are picture books about math concepts that go in order by levels. My kids love to read these. We’ve read them many times over the last three years. Also, my oldest daughter really struggles with math. I learned about Dream Box on the right start forum. This has helped tremendously.


    I forgot to mention that there are hands on activities to go with the math concept in the back of each of the math start books. Here is the link



    I like Dr. Wright’s Kitchen Table Math. There are three books with activities, and it covers all of elementary math. It is written to parents.


    (I have a Math on the Level set to sell.  PM me if you are interested.)

    I’ve read Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Everyday in K-3 and Young Mathematician at Work: Constructing Number Sense, Addition and Subtraction and think both are great.  They are for the parent to read and give ideas of what to do but it is not a curriculum at all.  They’ve been very helpful for me and one of my sons (8yo) who has struggled getting a good grasp of numbers.  I wish I had read them sooner.



    Thank you for so many great ideas!!

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