Handicrafts for (almost) 7 Year old…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Handicrafts & Life Skills Handicrafts for (almost) 7 Year old…

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    I have most of our year planned out (finally!) But, I’m still trying to nail down at least 1 more age appropriate handicraft that I can do with my daughter that does not require a lot of previous experience on my part, a lot of expensive materials to purchase etc.  So far I plan to do a term of hand sewing and a term of weaving, using all kinds of methods from a cardboard box to a hula-hoop etc.  But I just can’t seem to choose a 3rd thing.  I was pondering something more art related like sketching, or water colors but, I would have to learn that stuff right along with her and that would involve buying some sort of art curriculum.  (I have looked at SeeTheLight Art lessons and Artistic Pursuits so far).  As always, I’m sure I’m over thinking this.  But any suggestions/tips/FREE resources would be great.  🙂


    We are doing water colors with mommy having no previous experience and no curriculum. We are exploring it together. I paint a little at night to practice some things ahead of them but nothing serious. At her age, I feel that you can explore it without the pressure of doing it “right” by someone else’s standards. Once comfortable, she can learn a technique with it later. Does that make sense?


    Mosaics and collages can be done with household materials or an inexpensive kit from the dollar store.

    The Simple Start in Chalk Pastels series from Hodgepodge is inexpensive and looks very simple. She even has some youtube tutorials to go along with them.

    As for sketching, you can check your library for simple drawing books. If you have the TBN channel, you can catch Mike’s Inspiration Station on Saturday sfternoons, as well. Neither of these options would require expensive materials, just pencil or marker and paper of any type. Super simple and super fun!


    I am going to start origami with my two kids ages 8 & 9. I plan to do one a week. I will fold one up and then I will show them and instruct how to do it. then I plan to leave each with a finished one and paper. I bought a book, but I’m sure you could find free ones online. Just a thought.


    Thanks guys!  I’m not sure why I keep forgetting that YouTube is also a great resource.  I found some free kids art lessons on there that I might use. 


    This isn’t really art-related, but my daughter LOVES loom knitting. I am NOT a knitting, sewing etc person, but it was so easy to figure out-especially with all the YouTube videos etc.


    Oooo…thats a good idea!  I will look into that.  My daughter loves doing the rainbow loom with the stretchy bands.  Maybe I’ll just keep the whole year’s focus on yarn/thread type handicrafts.  Thanks Threekidsmom


    Just thought of another one today that I figured I’d share!  Fabric dying!  I have been wanting to make some hand dyed playsilks for my daughter for years now.  That could be a fun thing for us to do together and we could spend a term experimenting with dying various fabrics with various types of dyes from professional to koolaid to natural (teas, berries, etc).  And then she can use some of those dyed fabrics when we spend a term on hand sewing. 

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