Handicrafts for 3 year old boy

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  • dmccall3

    What have you found to be successful,appropriate, helpful, and inexpensive as far as handicrafts for 3 year old boys?



    I don’t know about handcrafts that young. Other than scissors, water and sand trays, and nature drawings from our outside time, we do baking, cleaning, the girls dyed their winter clothes, that kind of thing. I would love to hear what others have to say.


    My 3.5 year old did pretty well with finger knitting with his Grandma a few weeks ago.  I wasn’t here so I didn’t see it, but I’ll get her to show me in January so I can work with him.


    I don’t know if this is to advanced, but my 5 yr old realy enjoys soap carving with a butter knife.  We also do knot tying with brightly colored yarn.  At this age I still pretty much walk him through each step, but he likes that he can tie knots.  And of corse he loves being in the kitchen to help out and snack on what we ar e cooking. 🙂


    Not sure if this falls into ‘handicrafts’ but my 4 yr old loves rocks and I have let him paint them.  He uses them as pet rocks and as he paints they get a name.  He then uses them to set up and play….it is neat watching and listening to him tells stories and develop characters for each of them in his pretend play!


    My 3 1/2-year-old is a little bit delayed with his motor skills, so we don’t do a lot of handicrafts. However, he does love drawing, using watercolors, practicing using scissors (I cut out long strips of paper and then let them cut them crosswise), helping me cook or bake, and any sort of pouring activity (dried beans are great for this).


    What Sanveann wrote reminded me that when my son was age 2-3 we did a lot of Montessori type stuff.  I think Charlotte had living skills listed as handicrafts and at this age unfortunately there is not much more that can be done.  Some things we did were pouring beans and letting him sweep up the floor with a dust pan and small broom, etc.  Here is a website with ideas to work on around the house.  Most of this stuff is basic living type things, buttons, washing hands, washing face, but some the things I hadn’t thought of teaching my children at this age and this list was helpful for ideas. 



    Thanks for posting that, Ruth — awesome resource!

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