H. A. Guerber vs Genevieve Foster

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  • Shanna

    I havnet been around in quite a while but have a quesiton that I know you all can answer for me. If you had to choose between Guerber’s Story of the Chosen People & Story of Greeks/Romans or Foster’s Augustus World which would you choose and why?

    I think I would choose the Guerber one edited by Christine Miller at Nothing New Press (I think that is the one) only because she edits a bit for a Christian reader. I believe Foster’s book treats all religions equally–at least that is what Sonya said in the Matthew to Acts guide I have. She lists Henty books as alternatives because those are unabashadly Christian in nature. Hope that helps. 🙂


    I noticed that Lindafay (Higher Up…) schedules both for 6th grade. Don’t you use that curriculum, Caroline? What would you see is the value of using both of these books? And why would we want to use Foster if it has this bent? I’m beginning to think it is not a book that I could just send my 7th grader off with; it seems like he will need some help with navigating through it. Just wondering!




    I am currently trying to decided on the foster or guerber books for Renn./Early American time periods.  Any suggestions?

    I know that the foster books aren’t christian, but I hear they are wonderfully written.  The Guerber books by Miller look great, but they also cover a lot of material.

    Currently I am reading the Story of the World with my now 2nd and 6th graders.  I feel my 6th grader will need a bit more in terms of content next year, so I am hoping to have her to a little extra reading with one of these books.



    Hi Rebekah. 🙂 My daughter has just finished up her 7th grade year and we read a Foster book (Augustus Caesar’s World) and 2 Guerber books (Story of the Romans and Story of the Greeks) as part of Ambleside Online’s year 6. She enjoyed them all and they meshed together very nicely.

    My son didn’t like Foster’s books however. He really disliked they way they skipped around from person to person and subject to subject. My daughter complained about this too at the beginning of the year, but she learned to enjoy it. Our Book of Centuries helped to tie it all together.

    I wouldn’t worry about the text not being explicitly Christian at the middle school age. Neither is Story of the World. I just asked my daughter and she said she liked the Guerber books better than the Foster one.

    Hope that helps!



    I also wanted to mentioned that we’ve just begun using M B Synge’s Story of the World series and we are really liking it so far. It is definitely written from a Christian worldview.


    I have no experience with the Guerber – so I can’t speak to that book.

    We just finished reading Foster’s Augustus Caesar’s World.  I read it aloud to my four daughters – ages 10, 9, 7, 5.  They all LOVED it.  However, I did re-word / summarize certain sections: some of the romance between Antony and all his women and the sections that went more in-depth than we needed (or had time for) of the various religions.  Foster seemed to spend considerable time on the Greek/Roman gods, the Buddha, etc.  I also re-phrased some of the sentences where Foster wasn’t as favorable to Christianity/Judaism (that sounds like I’m trying to make my children prejudiced, but really, that’s not my goal…..it’s just that Foster would use words like “claim” or something and I want my children to know that the Bible (for example) is FACT).

    However, we all got much more out of our Ancient Rome study this year because of the Foster book.  The last time we studied Ancient Rome we used Story of the World.  And we just did NOT enjoy it.  This time, we loved all the drama because Foster really seemed to make it understandable and fun.


    You may get as many opinions as there are people here. I didn’t like Guerber for ancient stuff. I found her too obvious and Christian if that makes sense. I used Tappan’s Story of the Romans and Story of the Greeks. For more modern stuff I do like Geurber though I find it a bit simple on the period we are on now (early 1800s America). I like Foster’s books for the global perspective but don’t quite trust them our one spine book so I tend to use them as supplements and often to pick and choose which parts of them to read. For example I like including what is going on in Europe as we do American history because the two affect each other but I might skip bits on China because the two really had no contact at the time we are studying.



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