Guidance with Multiple children: One on One

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  • Michelle

    I’m coming for more advice. Maybe one day I’ll be the one giving it! 😉

    I’m trying to work out one on one time in my head. The following is what I need to be doing with my kids:

    DD6: MUS Alpha, AAR level 2, and AAS level 1 (we do two levels of AAS)

    DS8: Starts spelling wisdom and ULW this year, also going to work on Reading Pathways to aid in reading fluency

    DD9: Spelling Wisdom/ULW (she’s around lesson 35), Reading Pathways for fluency, assisting her in beginning written narration, reading through Apologia Anatomy and Physiology (her choice this year)

    Plus our history and science read alouds (Burgess Bird Book and Companion for everyone.)

    I know this is doable as there are many moms of many children. I just need help working out how to get that one on one time without chaos ensuing.

    I’m thinking DD9 and DS8 can do math, piano practice, and independent reading while I work with DD6. (And of course, throw in the distracting D4 for good measure. 😁)

    Thanks in advance for your recommendations.



    Kayla Nichols

    I am not a Charlotte Mason expert, however I have the same age kids as you do. FWIW, here are some of the things we do to ease my schedule.

    6 yo – She puts on Bluetooth headphones and listens to a book and plays once a day while I’m working with an older child.  This is narrated to me.  She also does piano, copywork, an explode the code page, and math independently (dad teaches the math lesson at night and assigns independent work for the day).

    8 & 10 yo – I personally make sure the science books my 8 & 10 yo do are on their level and do not require me for the reading. (Apologia has some things on audio) I do listen to their narration. I know this isn’t recommended by scm, but I used an iPhone app to record and label all Spelling Wisdom exercises. This has made that program independent work for both of my older children.  My 10 yo is an eager and able student, so all of her language arts teachings and the previous day’s work are reviewed in a meeting with me first thing. She is then free to do all her independent work (except oral narrations) without me.   I know this wouldn’t work for every child. It certainly won’t for my next in line.

    Family subjects are done when independent work is finished.

    I hope something in there helps. If not, I’m sure many smarter and more experienced Mama’s will have great advice.


    I’ll chime in but I’m listening as well!

    I was doing our family subjects first and then after snack we would switch to one-on-one.  I realized that they all had different sleep requirements and that some can occupy themselves better in the morning so I switched the day around.  This is only our first week of easing back into a routine but I’ll share my goals.

    10yo, 9yo, 6yo, 4yo, 7 months

    Meet with 4yo (who also happens to awaken first) to read a book together.

    Meet for 10 mins. with 9yo to discuss independent work for the day. Ideas:, copywork, read silently 10 mins., online math games, math worksheet, typing.

    Work with 6yo for approx 25 mins – 10 mins math, 10 mins reading, 5 mins copywork

    Work with 9yo for 40 mins – 20 mins math, 20 dictation OR 20 mins math, 20 reading, 5 copywork

    Work with 10yo (sleeps the latest – has learning disabilities) – 10 mins math, 10 mins reading, 10 copywork

    While waiting for me they either play online math games for 10 mins, read, play quietly, playdoh, trampoline, painting, color.  I try to think of activities that will help prepare their brain and/or fine motor.

    We’ll have snack and then dive into family subjects.

    Does that help?



    Yes! These are all getting the wheels turning in my head. We were doing morning time during/after breakfast and then breaking for chores. But waiting for some people to wake up before breakfast leaves us with wasted time.

    As I mentioned the other day, I’m also considering waking a couple of them up to get going with the day.

    We have done Bible, scripture memory, and catechism during breakfast since my oldest was 2!! It just works. I have tried to tack other family activities into that and it didn’t feel right. Although I stuck with it until the year was over. Maybe a snack after independent studies will allow us to do our enrichment/science/history to finish our school day. When I get it on paper I’ll update with my goals!

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