Grouping resources: teaching two history threads

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  • sahm

    Hi ladies,

    I am teaching New Testament and Early Medieval, and Early American history this year.  I would like to group the resources by history topic, something like this for example:

    American history spine (use with):

    Ben Franklin

    George Wahington (use after Ben Franklin)

    World History Spines (grouped) (use with)

    world history book list

    I visually would like the American and World History segregated on my daily plan. Would anyone please share some suggestions as to how I can do this (if I can do this). I have tried using the “use with” feature but it has not altered the grouping. 

    Thank you and God Bless,


    Rachel White

    Well, they would both be under the subject ‘history’ in the Organizer. Unfortuunately, there’s not a World History and country-of-your-choice history eihter, which wuold be helpful. In the meantime, what I would do is I’d put the spine of Am. His. and W. H. under ‘history’, then other books your going to use with that, tab the use with feature. They will come up that way on the schedule; it would probably help to do them on different days, too, but that’s just my opinion.

    For example, for Am. His., if you type in a Guerber’s History “…Republic” as a spine under ‘history’ and the day you use it, then put in a D’Aulaire’s “Benjamin Franklin”, you would click on the “use with” or “Use after” feature and up will come other books, inc. the Geurber “…Republic” spine; click on the Geurber spine option. Then you establish which days you will use it. Same process with your W.H. choices. Then when you come to the daily plan, the “use with will come up under ‘history’ and the Geurber book, too. Any others that you put under the “use after” option will automatically come onto the scheduler at the appointed time.

    So yes, you do have a way of ‘grouping’ your books. It just won’t be under a different ‘subject’ such as Am. His. or W. H.; the books will come up on the scheduler to “use with” the Spine that you scheduled.

    I hope that makes sense; let me know if I need to clarify. It’s one of those things that’s easier shown.


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