I just found a great typing resource! It has lessons, and you can even setup a school to monitor your student’s progress! If you setup a school, you can modify lessons, and goals (like reduce the WPM, etc…)
We are going to try it out this summer!
I’ll be making a resource for it for the organizer soon… still getting it setup!
Thanks for that. My kids just started blogging, so both are newly interested in improving their typing. We have “Typing Instructor for Kids”, which DD has been through, but a new program might be motivating too. It’s nice to have options.
The main things that may affect you (And me, as I’m in the trial right now) is the free version for schools does not allow typing tests, and it will had ads. (I use an ad blocker, so that might not affect me….) I guess some of the advanced reporting might go too.
But we could still monitor student progress, change the ‘course’ they are taking, etc.
It looks like it only costs about $3 per student per year too, so if you like/need the advanced features….