Great organizer! A few questions/suggestions….

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Great organizer! A few questions/suggestions….

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  • Thank you for making such a great tool! Although I greatly enjoy it’s ease and simplicity, I do have a few questions:

    I was wondering if there was a function to manually order each subject or if they are always automatically organized alphabetically. For example, I would like to print out the daily tasks for each child, however I would like them to complete them in a different order (ie. Math first, then Spelling, then Art). Currently I notice I can only print each subject in the order in which it is alphabetically categorized.

    I would also like to know if there is an option to be able to view multiple days at a time, or even a day or two ahead in the planner. I would like to add specific notes for my children on various days, however I do not know if I will remember the information when I actually come to the day before, as is current in the planner view.

    If the above mentioned functions are not available, may I please suggest they be included in your next software revision? I believe they would be greatly beneficial.

    I would like to make one more request, if I may: The Bookfinder option is a great resource, however I notice that I have to input a complete title, with the correct spelling and word order, in order to find what I am looking for. Sometimes this does not work well as several books I tried to look up had varying/longer titles or were a part of several volumes. Is there a way to revise the search option to include keywords or authors instead of exact book titles? It would be greatly appreciated as well.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards,


    Doug Smith

    Hi Patricia,

    Let’s see if I can answer your excellent questions:

    1. Currently, the daily plan only prints in alphabetical order by subject. I’ll check and see if we have reordering them on the wish list yet.

    2. You can easily view the next day using the “See Tomorrow’s Plan” link in the upper-right corner of the daily plan screen.

    We extend out more than one day at this time because there is no way to know what pace you will use a particular resource. We can’t assume a resource will be used only one chapter per day. For example, a student may do two chapters a day for some easier books but spend a week on a chapter or lesson of a math book.

    3. The Bookfinder search should work fine with a partial title, keywords, or author. Capitalization and punctuation don’t matter. You can also use the “More Search Options” link under the search box to refine your search by geographic setting, time period, school subject or grade level.

    You can mix up word order within a title or author but not combine them. Here are a few examples looking for “By the Shores of Silver Lake” by Laura Ingalls Wilder:

    – A search for “Laura Ingalls Wilder” returns the target book and others.

    – A search for “Wilder Ingalls” or “wilder, ingalls” returns the same set of books.

    – A search for “silver lake” returns the target book and one other.

    – A search for “lake shores silver” returns the target book.

    – A search for “West to Dakota Territory” returns the target book because those words are in the description.

    – A search for “The Wonderful Afternoon” returns the target book because those words are in a chapter title.

    – A search for “wilder silver lake” returns nothing because it mixes the author and title. (I didn’t realize this wouldn’t work until I started testing it now. That will go on the wish list.)

    – A search for “wilder” in the main search field and with “Dakota” in the geographic setting field returns the target book and others.

    Does that help?

    Thank you for taking the time to reply, Doug; it helps very much!

    I appreciate you looking into my point number 1 and helping me to understand my questions in point number 3.

    I did, however, wish to ask for clarification with your reply to point number 2: While I understand I can view the daily plan for tomorrow, the notes from today seem to be transferred forward as well. This causes confusion as I may have notes I need to input today and then desire to place differing notes in tomorrow. Is there any way to input them for each day separately?

    (A relatively minor point, but I was also wondering if there was a way to create horizontal lines in the printed daily plan? The notes are difficult to distinguish from one subject to the next, especially for younger children.)

    I have yet another question about the organizer: My daughter has 6 different music books which she completes on varying days depending on the lesson. For example, today she needs to work on her Solo book, Technic book and Theory book, however tomorrow she needs to work on her Lesson book, Activity and Ear Training book, Notespeller and Theory book. Then on Friday she has lessons in her Lesson book, Activity and Ear Training book, Notespeller and Technic book. (FYI — She is 7, so all of this curriculum only takes her about 20 minutes each day.) Although she has music Monday to Friday, none of the books necessarily fall on the same day each week as the scheduler requires. Currently I have ‘Music’ as her subject in the organizer, and which book and page in the notes section. As there is no rhyme nor reason with this curriculum, is there a way to input it into the organizer without utilizing the notes section every day?

    Thank you again for your time.

    Kindest of regards,


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Patricia. I would love to help you figure out how to schedule your daughter’s music books. I like trying to figure out puzzles like that. Smile You said that the six books vary according to the lesson. Does that mean that there is a “master” lesson book that tells which other books to use and when to use them as she progresses through the lessons? There is no set pattern to when the other books come into play? (Is this the Alfred’s course?)

    Doug Smith

    Yes, the notes are for the resource as a whole rather than each day. If it helps, you can edit the note as you go to add or replace additional information. We do have it on our wish list to be able to add notes to any assignment when scheduling it.

    We don’t have any way to add horizontal lines at this time. Is there a problem with longer notes not lining up properly with the subjects when printed. If so, we might need to look at fixing something. Now if you did have lines, what would you want them between? Just subjects?

    By the way, we did some more checking on mixing search items like author and subject. That actually should work so we’re digging in to see if we can get that fixed soon.

    I’ll let Sonya and others jump in with some ideas on ways to schedule your resources.

    Thanks again for your good questions, suggestions, and feedback!


    I realize I’m kind of jumping in on another’s conversation, but I would really like to see the option to put the subjects in an order other than alphabetically. We do not complete our subjects in alphabetical order, and it would be helpful to not have to scroll up and down all morning to remember what I want to do next. I’m not printing out daily plans for my kids yet, as they are too young; but all the same, it would make things easier for me.

    Great suggestion!

    Doug Smith

    Thank you again, Doug (and now Sonja!) for taking the time to answer; it has been a real blessing! 

    To answer Doug, I would appreciate the horizontal lines between the subjects. That way you can see which notes line up with which subjects at a glance.

    Sonja, it is exactly as you said: “a ‘master’ lesson book that tells which other books to use and when to use them as she progresses through the lessons.” And yes, we are using the Alfred’s piano course with her. I look forward to seeing what you come up with as I am certainly baffled with this one!

    Best regards,


    Sonya Shafer

    Would it work to enter one resource called Lesson Book and number those as usual for her to progress through. Then enter a second resource called Supplemental Music Books and give that resource divisions called “Assignment.” I’m not sure how many assignments you would need to give it. Anyway, for each Assignment you could list the books and page numbers where the Division Title field is. For example, Assignment 1 could be “Solo p. 5, Technic p. 7, Theory p. 10”; Assignment 2 could be “Solo p. 6, Technic p. 8, Theory pp. 11, 12.” 

    That’s my first try at this puzzle. Smile

    Looks like that might work, Sonja! I think I will give it a try!!! 

    Ha! I just thought of something — what about the days when there are no assignments linked to the lesson? 

    I was just reviewing my son’s Alfred’s Kid’s Guitar lesson book and noticed there are assignments on some days, but not on others like my daughter’s book. 

    <Sigh> What should I do about that?!?

    Sonya Shafer

    Hmmm, time to get creative. You could

    1. Manually “close” the assignment on those days when they have no supplemental books to do.


    2. You could add your own “generic” assignment on those days. Maybe something like “Review your favorite solo piece” or “Play a C major scale” would work. Your children’s teacher might have some ideas. If you are their teacher, the sky’s the limit. You could treat those days almost like drawing Chance cards in a game. Those little surprise assignments tucked hither and yon into their regular practice schedule could add a lot of spice. They might “Play a duet with mom” or “Take a break and get a snack.” I would have loved something like that when I was taking lessons as a child. 

    What do you think?


    Thanks so much for the organizer  it is invaluable tool. I tell everyone I can about it. I could not find a place for suggestions for the organizer so when I saw this thread I thought I would chime in. While planning this weekend I was wishing that there was a way that I could flag the books and resources that I added as owned. library or need to purchase. It would be great  to have a feature that used this to warn you every month of what  book comes next in a subject and what you need to do about it.

    Doug Smith
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