I have asked some of our librarians to give me a call when they pull older books from circulation. And they are happy to do so! We have received some great books this way. The last time one of the ladies called they let me take home as many of the discards as I wanted for free b/c they were going to put them in the trash! & we chose all the Landmarks, Childhood of Famous Americans, other biographies. Good condition too!
This is one reason I like to utilize the library system for our school books. For me, it’s more about keeping good books in circulation than saving money. Well, it also saves shelf space in my home….
Yes, Jennifer –when I worked at a library, they’d check the number of times a particular book was borrowed. That heavily influenced the decision to keep or to withdraw it.
The “received wisdom” from the ALA for children’s lit is if it hasn’t been checked out for three years, get rid of it! I was culling the other day using those guidelines and had to toss out The Little Prince. <sigh> We can’t even put ours on a sale shelf at the moment due to a contractual thing (temporary, I hope) so it went in the trash.
Oh Bookworm, that is awful! Can’t you donate them to classrooms or children’s homes or … somewhere? Our library has a large section of back rooms where they sell old and donated books. I got an old copy of Halliburton’s Marvels for FREE one day. There should a better determiner. I’m vaguely reminded of Farhenheit 451. Is that the correct title? 🙂