I have the game printed and made it into a file folder game as well. I plan on using it more.
Does anyone know of anything else similar for use with Grammarland for extra reinforcement?
Or is there any other book out there similar? We have loved Grammarland, but I feel my son needs a bit more and that he is ready. He is really getting it now, but I want something else similar to Grammaraland.
I just listened to a podcast on Morning Time from the 2012 Circe convention and the speaker used The Mother Tongue II for oral grammar for the whole group – ages 7-17. (The book is public domain.) http://www.ordo-amoris.com/2011/09/morning-time-september-2011.html — Speaker’s bolg – about 1/2 way down she mentions their use of the book.
When he gets older Eats, Shoots, and Leaves is a fun book about commas & punctuation, but I’m not sure how one would make lessons from it…
Mine read the Ruth Heller books when they were in 2nd/3rd grade. They are on the youngish side, written in a poetic format.
However, the recommend of Eats, Shoots and Leaves is one I had forgotten. There are young versions adapted from it by Lynne Truss herself, but again- probably too young. Howeer, it’s may be possible to do something with the original book. Apparently you may be ab le to get it free online. I don’t know how much grammar it covers; possibly just ;punctuation? But here it is at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Eats-Shoots-Leaves-Tolerance-Punctuation/dp/1592400876