I’m using rest times during this last trimester to do some long-term planning/research. It will be a few years before we begin grammar, but I’ve been looking at a few options this afternoon. Has anyone used Simply Grammar (Andreola)? Is it set up something like PLL? How do Grammarland and JAG compare? I will have to go to the library to look at samples and the AG website more thoroughly. Is JAG (or AG) consumable? Are there other grammar resources your children enjoy? Thank you for your help and for your patience with my many questions!
Another question 🙂 The AG site recommends using their high school reinforcement books(American authors, British authors, etc.) along with or between seasons of AG? What does the student do with the literature passages?
I have 3 11 year olds and we are going through Grammarland together (me with them, since the answers to the work are no where to be found! This is good as I am nailing down knowing the parts of speech along with my kids). It’s cute. And effective. We found the worksheets online and I just print them out.I thought about sharing our answers on this forum once we are through all the chapters. That way we can compare.
I recently got Simply Grammar too. It’s very gentle and cute. It has nice drawings. I think I’ve read that JAG is not prerequisite for AG, so I may just skip it and do AG when it’s called for on the curriculum guide (SCM’s, that is).
We enjoyed Grammarland. It is relatively short and is only about the parts of speech. I woudl say use it for ages 10 and up. We use KISS grammar which is fere online:
bethanna- So far (and looking ahead, and what I’ve read that other’s do), Simply Grammar is done orally. I think we will kind of use Grammarland and Simply Grammar simultaneously, but on different days of the week. They are both fun and very gently, so not overwhelming to do both.
These are made by another mom, I believe. I can’t remember how I found them, but this is what we use. We got Grammarland cheap on Kindle. 🙂 Here is the old version we use by M.L. Nesbitt: