grammar recommendation

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  • pmsullivan

    i am looking for a recommendation for grammar for an 8th grader.  She loves to read and writie but we havenm’t done much grammar.  I don’t want to spend 100.00 for analytical grammar–what did people use before  analytical grammar?



    Easy Grammar Plus is good.

    Fantastic program on the Janice Campbell website called Grammar Made Easy, and can be downloaded as an ebook which costs $21.95. is the website.  I really like it and quite a few of the people I know use it and like it as well.

    Here is a bit of the blurb off the website:

    Traditional grammar texts define the various parts of speech, then ask students to use those definitions to find all of the *whatevers* (nouns, verbs, etc.) in a sentence or paragraph. I don’t find that particularly helpful. Instead, I teach grammar from the position of a word’s function in the sentence. For example, the word “running’ is normally a verb; however, it can also be a noun or an adjective, as shown in the sentences below:

    • Running is my favorite sport. [Used here as a noun.]
    • The running man was chased by a dog. [Used here as an adjective.]

    So, as a student goes throughout the book, he will learn the function or job of the various parts of speech. By approaching grammar from this perspective, he will learn how to construct better sentences and how to express himself better. — I was a public school teacher and used this system for nearly 20 years. During that time, I found that my 6th and 7th grade students wrote like 9th graders by the end of the year. This method also improved their reading and listening skills.


    When introducing a new sentence type, the lessons are intended to be taught in about 10 minutes. Homework (or independent work) to reinforce the lesson also takes about 10 minutes. Then the next day, you go over the homework. Briefly reinforce what was taught the day before, and make the next homework assignment.

    By teaching and reinforcing this way, you will help your sons retain the material. Another way to assist in retention is to expect your sons to use these tools in their writing assignments for other subjects, such as science and social studies.

    Easy Grammar Plus is also good, so there are a couple of choices for you.



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