Grammar Options for 7th grade, 12 Year Old – Feedback wanted

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  • missceegee

    I’ve posted a few questions re. grammar lately, I’m compiling some thoughts re. the different programs and thought I’d share and gather a bit more feeback.


    1. Easy Grammar Plus with Daily Grams

      1. Pros – written to student, simple; covers prepositions first; workbook form
      2. Cons – HORRIBLE layout of the TM for EGP (I really, really, really dislike it.)

    2. Rod & Staff, Grade 5

      1. Pros – detailed; covers mechanics and a variety of other skills, lots of practice
      2. Cons- lots of practice Smile that would need to be weeded through a little as there is a lot there; not as self-directed, though I think dd12 could manage fine.

    3. Daily Grammar –

      1. Pros – FREE; short lessons, online or workbook or ebook format
      2. Cons – is there enough practice?
      3. Note – could add Daily Grams to this

    4. English Grammar for the Grammar Child by Memoria Press (using levels I and II for 7th grader, not a little one)

      1. Pros – Love the clean lined simplicity of MP products; simple and straightforward; self directed
      2. Cons – focus on memorizing rules (not sure this is a con, but there are 150 of them); I can’t tell from the samples if it’s enough
      3. Note – could add Daily Grams to this

    This list is what I’ve narrowed my choices to. Ideally, I want:

    • self-directed studies for dd12
    • to cover the material concisely yet thoroughly
    • short”ish” lessons that don’t monopolize huge chunks of time
    • the least planning possible

    I plan to move into Latin for dd12 in 8th (year after next). I will likely use either Latin in the Christian Trivium online or Memoria Press First Form Latin online.

    Given these thoughts, what would you choose and why?




    We have used Rod and Staff.  I would agree with your pros and cons list.  It does require the child to do a lot of copying from the book since it is a textbook.  When we used it I bought the worksheet packet.  When there was a worksheet that coordinated with the lesson (there isn’t one for every lesson) I would have my daughter do only the worksheet.  That cut down on some of the writing.


    I should add the following comments to your list regarding Rod and Staff (my comments in bold):

    • self-directed studies for dd12  I found this to be pretty self directed.  My daughter would read the lesson and do the work.  Occasionally, on difficult concepts I would work through it with her.
    • to cover the material concisely yet thoroughly  I woulnd’t call it concise.  Smile It is very thourough, though.
    • short”ish” lessons that don’t monopolize huge chunks of time  You can make the lessons shorter by doing less problems.
    • the least planning possible  No planning involved.


    Jenny – Thank you. Points well taken.



    Here’s one I’d not even considered, but a dear friend who has graduated 4 recommends highly – 

    Christian Light Publishers Language Arts

    Any thoughts on this? I think it is more of a spiral approach which we dislike in math, but have no opinion of for grammar. 


    My take on Christian Light from online samples:

    Pros – clean lines; great formatting; workbook based

    Cons – spiral approach, incl. spelling (I don’t want or need this), seems jumbled to me.


    Hi Christie,

    Christian Light is well laid out, inexpensive, self-directed, needs no planning, short lessons, but likely isn’t concise like Analytical Grammar. You could just skip the spelling.  Is there a reason why you’re not considering Analytical Grammar?

    We haven’t used any of your other choices, so I am no help there.  Another option (just to be difficult) is Applications of Grammar:

    I expect if you used it every year it would be annoying, but used selectively it is not bad.



    Gaeleen, diagramming, diagramming, diagramming, too much diagramming in AG for us. DD12 prefers the labeling approach and so do I. You know, I forgot that I already own Winston Grammar which labels. I really just need to pick something and do it consistently. Grammar has me stumped for what I want to use. 



    Consistency – my weak point also! One of my daughters also prefers labelling; we use Applications of Grammar for her.  It has a bit of diagramming, but not much.  Christian Light is more of a complete Language Arts course, so it might have too much that you don’t want or wouldn’t use.

    May you have wisdom in making your choice!


    I know you didn’t ask by one we have used as suggested by a fellow CM mom here is Grammar Key.  It is self taught, it can take as long as short as you want as you can stop in the lesson and just finish up tomorrow.  Its’ on the computer and it corrects as they go along.  You don’t have to do anything other than buy the program, install it and decided how often and how long for your student.  Just another option looking at what you wanted for your student.


    Misty – How comprehensive is Grammar Key? Does it include any diagramming? (I’m not opposed to diagramming in total, but I don’t want to drown in it.) Do I need to add anything else to it? Off to view samples again. Thanks, Christie


    Just jumping in on this thread…I feel like I am right with missceegee….I am struggling through all of the grammar options for my 7th grader next year as well. We did ILL for 4th, 5th & finishing in 6th…I tried Rod & Staff 5th some last year – he hated it – and I decided to wait on grammar till 7th as my curriculum provider recommended. I’ve been looking at most of these options and I’m just totally overwhelmed. I have a home preschool too so I need self-directed. I’ve leaned toward Analytical Grammar, and I’ve looked some @ CLP & most of the other choices above. So…now I’m going to look for Grammar Key too! Love the input on these choices. It looks like I’m going to be completely revamping curriculum for next year on several subjects…(long, deep, sigh!)


    Oh me too! Thought I was set w/starting Analytic Grammar next year w/my 7th grader and now I am all confused. Didn’t know it had so much diagramming. I’ll have to do more research…


    I’m really not sure what to use for my 7th grader to be, either.  I know AG is out.  It would just frustrate him with all that diagramming.  I need something really simple, straight forward and something he can do independently. 


    I forgot – Our Mother Tongue – any thoughts?

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