Grammar Help!


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  • connollyhomeschool

    If she does well with narration, written or verbal, you can either pause your program and use those as your program or just use those for reinforcement. That way you’re using information that her mind is comfortable and familiar with using already, information that has been digested, so to speak. If she has already written down that “Shan hid the sword in the oak tree,” she has already figured out that a person (Shan) acted (hid) by putting something (sword) in another something (tree), which happens to be specifically described as an oak (adjective). For some, it works better than parsing sentences that have no connection in a grammar workbook.

    This requires nothing in way of prep. You just select a sentence she wrote or orally narrated and then ask her the grammar questions she has learned in her program for her to select nouns, verbs, and adjectives. After she grasps these concepts, you can select a sentence and then simply ask her to list nouns, verbs, and adjectives.


    I am going to purchase the Get Smart program but I was wondering…what is your opinion on whether to get the digital program only and print when needed or purchase softcover books?  I would have three using the program.  Do you feel you definitely need the teacher’s manual and/or student books in print or could you effectively teach from a tablet while they use the computer screen and a blank paper to do their work?


    I bought the digital program, printed books for my kids and 3 hole punched.  I just used my iPad for the teacher book. This works esp well for teaching a group like we are.  We can screen share it to a tv to go over the answers.


    Thanks, MissCeeGee!  ☺  Just what I wanted to know!  If it was do-able without purchase of the hard copies.  Can’t wait!  I stayed up till 1:00 the other night diagramming the famous quotes from the website!  I LOVE diagramming!!!

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