Grammar help

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  • Misty

    So we are doing Winston Grammar.  I really like it.  The kids made it to like lesson 14 and all of a sudden started getting a LOT wrong.  So we stopped and backed up.  We are now to lesson 11 and it’s like they can’t get it.  Still getting to many wrong.  I can’t redo the page ‘again’ cause my kids just know the answers now.  So how do we keep reviewing till they get it right?  I am not great in grammar so me making my own sheets would be a bad idea 🙁  Although that is what I think we need.  Articles are a breeze, nouns are fine with the few odd exceptions, it seems like it’s adding anything on to that?! I’m at a loss how to help.  They are 15, 13 and I have my 11 yr old working along.  But it’s even the older ones who are struggling.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks Misty


    Do you have the supplemental worksheets? They are a bit more difficult, but it would provide more practice.


    I came across two grammar programs that Rainbow Resource carries that may help.

    Step-by-Step Grammar, grades 4-8, contains only words that have been previously explained, so they start with two word sentences.  They have two levels and are inexpensive.

    Grammar Notebooks, grades 9-12, focus more on whys and hows , and provide more context, versus a drill program.

    I am going to use both with my children of various ages.




    I don’t have the extra workbooks.  I will look at that.

    Thanks I’ll look at that also



    My post disappeared.  I highly recommend Get Smart grammar.


    We are using Step by Step Grammar with my 7th grade daughter. We started it in 6th but it got too complex too quickly-she wasn’t retaining the information.

    We started it again recently and it is going much better. She understands the text and does the exercises correctly but she does struggle when the quizzes come along. I think it’s just because it’s such a technical subject and our CM kids are used to living ideas. I feel like my daughter is getting a good feel for grammar and how the English language works but not retaining all the technical words and definitions.

    I’m not worried because I made straight A’s in English honors classes and I still don’t remember all the technicalities of grammar but I do have a good feel for grammar, if that makes sense. I just plan to keep on moving through the curriculum and I will reevaluate at the end of the the book to see where we will go from there. There is a book 2 in the series and I may go onto that or switch to Our Mother Tongue English.



    Thank you for sharing about Step by Step Grammar. It helps to have insight from someone who has used it.

    I may use it, or go back to Stevenson Grammar for my middle dd. Hmm…

    Participant is the address for the one I mentioned.  They use mnemonics(memory devices).

    Cozy Grammar is a dvd where the author shows parts of speech and acts them out. is her address. Our public library has some of them.


    Don’t quote me on this, but I am leaning towards Shurley English(only using the grammar part) for my middle dd.  She likes the idea of the jingles and questions.

    For youngest dd I will try Shurley English,  and add Cozy Grammar.  She is right brain dominant and loves videos.  My issue with CG as a stand alone is that it would take many repetitions and could be frustrating as a stand alone for those who are not naturally gifted in grammar, IMHO.

    As you can see, I have tried many grammar programs, each unique.




    Thank you!  I requested Cozy grammar DVD’s through our ILL loan program.  I’m excited, this might be a big help with my visual learner!?


    GetSmart Grammar, that Missceegee recommended does look very good to me – but also wanted to mention that I think they have a lot of information online – so maybe some of their online stuff might help?   And it could give an idea on if you’d like to switch to it.



    I love grammar and get grammar. Get Smart has the most clear presentation I’ve ever seen.


    I have no suggestions for the program you’re using, but I love grammar and diagramming! I previously used and recommended Analytical Grammar, but found Get Smart by English Grammar Revolution a few months ago and it’s a smashing hit with the 4 teens I’m teaching.  All prefer it to AG and really get it. While I’m not using the videos as I’m teaching, with them it is a virtually self teaching program with very clear instructions.

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