Grammar Help

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  • faiths13

    I need help figuring out what to do for grammar. My dc’s are 11 & 13. We have tried several grammar texts, which we hated and the kids didnt seem to learn from. I have been using Emma Serl’s ILL and Simply Grammar, but the grammar is below where they need to be. I love the style of the grammar in these books though. Can someone recommend somthing similar, but for older childer?


    We also used Simply Grammar and I liked it but it was way below where they were, it was more of a refresher than learning a new concept. Someone on this board a few months ago mentioned  Easy Grammar Plus.  I LOVE IT!!!! It’s a new concept, we move fast and it’s very well written. The best part, you only need the teacher manual because the childs worksheet is opposite the answer page, so you save a lot of money! Wink  I can’t say enough about it. BTW.. my boys are 9 and 10 so 4th and 5th grade. The Easy Grammar Plus was written for 7th grade however, my boys are doing great in it. They are finally learning new concepts and enjoying it.I really can’t say enough about it.  Hope this helps.



    Thanks : ) We did EG and my ods hated it. He said it was too repetative. : (


    No worries, every family is different. I’m sure someone here will have some great ideas.



    If the child’s worksheet is next to the answer key, then aren’t they going to just see the answers? Or can you tear out the page? How do you generally handle this….I’m sorry, but I just can’t trust one of my dc enough to just cover the answers and give her the book to complete the worksheet. She should be able to do this independently, so I don’t want to have to sit with her while she’s completing it.


    Okay, my previous question sounds rather…..simple-minded, I know! But I guess what I’m asking is, do the pages tear out to use? That would make it consumable though….

    My 13yo dd did not do any grammar last year (7th grade), and this year we’ve been using Our Mother Tongue. She doesn’t like it at all. I’m not sure if I should get Easy Grammar Plus for her or Easy Grammar Ultimate.


    You can make copies of the work pages or you can get work books. I found a great deal for the TM and two work books so each child does have one, it works great for us. We really like the Easy Grammar Plus, I was afraid it would be to hard but they picked it up very quickly and they like the pace. They have learned a lot in just a few short weeks.



    I would like something not to workbooky. the kids just dont like it and dont seem to learn from it. i am so frustrated with grammar right now.

    Michele Barmore

    I seen something in the Timberdoodle catalog last night. Covering grammar.

    I think it was called ‘Word Fun’. ?

    It was like 192pgs long, and all in story form. It even had questions or something at the end of the chapters.

    I am going to have to go find my catalog again and look.

    It did look good. And different.


    What about SCM’s recommendations on the Free Curriculum Guide?


    Yes…we use SCM’s rec. of Analytical Grammar.  I can’t say my daughter (6th)loves it…but it’s thorough and to the point!  I use JAG around 5th, then one season of AG in 6th/7th/8th.  Doing just one season per year is very doable…it’s only 10 sessions.  :)Gina

    Rachel White

    What about Our Mother Tongue? It may a little over your 11 yr. old, but maybe not, depending on what he’s learned thus far. It has an answer key and it isn’t workbooky, but thorough. You can use over it a two-year period according to the AO schedule. We haven’t use dit yet, but will be in the future.

    It is recommended for ages 7th+. Some good reviews:


    I was just looking at AO and saw Our Mother Tongue. I will check that out, thanks : )


    Have you looked at Queen HomeSchool’s Language Lessons series?

    If you need more info or help with placement, the group page on Facebook is a GREAT help.

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