Grammar for the high school years..

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  • Misty

    I am wondering if you would mind sharing what your grammar/english looks like for the high school years? Maybe if I saw what others are using I could look further into it and might find something more fitting for my family? Just thought I would ask. Thanks to anyone who doesn’t mind sharing. Misty


    I’d be interested too.  I feel like I’ve been floundering this year.  My DD (8th grade) is using Queen’s LL for the Secondary Child book 1.  It seems too easy for her.  Should have gotten book 2, but we started it late due to hating Applications of Grammar book 1 (MFW recommendation) and so we’re just sticking with what we got.  She has learned some new things and I really like how gentle it is.  I see they have three HS books and also I know from an email to Sandi Queen, there will be LL for Secondary Child book 3 coming out very soon.


    I also have used LL and liked the gentle approach. Also, though felt like it was to easy. I have used OMT, AG and they are much more better “IF” you are a grammar person and don’t need an answer key. which I do. As grammar is my worse subject by far to teach.

    Hoping to hear from others


    My highschoolers used Jensen’s Grammar, Jensen’s Punctuation and Format Writing.


    My 9th grader is using Easy Grammar: Plus this year. We like it pretty well. I think we are going to do Jensen’s Grammar next year.

    blue j

    Well, last year we used OMT and… another program that I just can not think of at the moment.  This year we are using LL’s which my girls will finish shortly and they will go onto use The Roar on the Other Side for poetry, which include the grammar of poetry, etc.  Next year I will use LL’s and we will go through OMT again – only do the speed version just to make sure the girls have it sorted out and retained it – though at this time it seems that they both have a good handle on it.

    I also like Winston Grammar and the Advanced version as well.  It incorporates visual including color cues, kinisthetic, and auditory – if you have the child read the items out loud and name each part of speech.


    Easy Grammar is our choice hands down. But we also use some LLs from Queen Homeschool too. The high school version of Easy Grammar could be used in one year or spread out of a couple of years with review work through the Daily Grams program.




    Here we use Winston Grammar, plus Eats, Shoots and Leaves! by Lynn Truss and I Laid an Egg on Aunt Ruth’s Head by Joel Schnoor.  


    I’ve not used this but it looked an interesting, and different approach to grammar:  Traditional English Sentence Style by Robert Einarsson which is available online as a free PDF.  Looked CM-compatible as he employs modeling well-written essays.


    We use queens along with rod and staff. It is working well

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