Grammar for new to CM 3rd Grader

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  • Jordana

    Hi all –

    I have a 2nd and 3rd grader and am looking into using either English for the Thoughtful Child or Primary Language Lessons by Serl. I’m trying to decide how to start the 3rd grader with either one of these, he has had some grammar instruction in PS.  Does anyone have experience with not starting at the beginning but on in the book? Does it build? Or could we just do the early lessons really quickly, until he got to something more challenging? 

    OR – should I just do something like Queens?  

    There are great options, just want to do the best to not frustrate him. 

    Thanks for any advice!

    Rachel White

    Regarding Serl’s; I think you may be able to start with ILL instead of PLL since he’s already had some grammar in GS. I don’t think it would frustrate him at all. The only caveat would be that you may want to use discernment about the amount of writing. Considering his age, unless he just loves writing, you can do a lot orally. If he was a little older, it may be different. I do about 75% of PLL orally.

    I’ve used both with my children; it is a wonderful program. I also highly recommend the teacher’s guide, it can be found at Amazon publ. by Lost Classics. It’s worth the $12+


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