grammar for 7th grade

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  • pjssully


    I am looking for a grammar “program” for my 12 year olds.  I don’t want to use Analytical grammar, so that one is out.  I was thinking about KISS grammar, but haven’t looked at it completely.  Does anyone use that?

    Or any other ideas that are truly CM?




    From suggestions from Bookworm and others on this forum, I will be (waiting for it to get here!) using Our Mother Tongue with my 12 year old. We will be aiming for half this year and the rest in year 8. The plan is to use it in conjunction with Jump In as a writing program. I don’t have it yet, though, so I don’t have any more advice in it other than our plan as it is right now.



    I think it really depends on how much grammar you have done. I waited a while to start w/my oldest and I must say that My Mother Tongue was definitly not enough for him.

    This is our second year doing Easy grammar and I love it. It is very easy to use. They are worksheets, lots of them, my kids do 2/day but I do not see how they could really learn grammar w/out the repetition.

    I will probably go back to Our Mother Tongue next year…


    I like Winston Grammar. I am using the basic level with a 5th and 7th grader and it is going well. I plan to use the advanced level in two years.

    For my high schoolers I am giving a choice between Rod and Staff and Our Mother Tongue.


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