Grammar Curriculum Recommendation

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Grammar Curriculum Recommendation

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  • Linabean

    Hi Christie,  thanks for the reply.   It does help somewhat.  I am not finding the implementation overly difficult, we just read the lesson and do some or most of the assignments.   But it is very necessary for me to be there the WHOLE time talking things through, helping, explaining, etc.  and I am just not sure if I am doing this all correctly!  When you described the Get Smart program as being so easily understood and that there was a possibility of the student being able to do lessons independently,  it really piqued my interest and I wondered if it may be easier to understand than the lessons in OMT.   However,  the price will make it not doable for us for quite a while.  So,  I guess I’ll just keep trying my best with OMT.  I may keep it in mind for when my younger kids reach 7th, though.

    Thanks again,



    I like the samples I see on this program.  I’m curious though where do things like punctuation, letter writing, possessives and contractions fall in the place of language arts with cm?  Is all of that to be covered under writing curriculum?  It seems many grammar programs cover it in their curriculum?  Still trying to piece together the cm way of language arts in my mind.

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