Grammar Curriculum Recommendation

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  • missceegee

    I have been teaching during this past month with a grammar curriculum I recently discovered. We are using Get Smart from and have covered the first 20 units thus far. So far, it is a lot of review from last year when we used Analytical Grammar season 1 and Jr. Analytical Grammar. There have been some new concepts introduced like Verb Types (ie. transitive active and intransitive complete). I continue to hear, “This is so simple to understand. I love doing grammar now. This makes so much more sense.” The kids did well last year with AG and Jr. AG, but with this program, we are having LIGHTBULB moments regularly. The instructions are clear, the layout is exemplary, and the kids are viewing grammar as an interesting puzzle to solve instead of something tedious to be endured.

    The Get Smart program has 37 lessons and covers all of the same material as AG. There is a video component to the program that would make it virtually self-teaching, if needed. Get Smart does not parse in the same way as AG, but has a Key Chart where you identify every word’s part of speech and the job it is performing. This Key Chart has been integral to our light bulb moments. There are periodic reviews and quizzes worded in such a way that students have to really understand to give the answers. There are reference materials and review materials available, too. I really like the Sentence Diagramming Manual. Get Smart has fewer exercises than AG and the sentences are simple, but the understanding we are achieving is through the roof. It is carrying over to more complex sentences and just contributing to a greater knowledge and love of the English language and its structure.

    I think that AG is a solid program and have often recommended it, but Get Smart is our new program and will be what I use with my younger crop of kids when the time comes. It’s easy to use and anytime I can get kids and teens interested and saying, “This is fun!” when we diagram, I’m thrilled!


    This is great to know, Christie.  We’ve been doing very basic oral grammar, sort of Cindy Rollins’ Morning Time style, while I wait for Daniel to be ready for more formal study.  This sounds like it will be so much more understandable for him.  Since I have two boys 7 months apart, I’m only teaching grammar ONCE.  I’m putting this on my list.


    Thanks, Christie.  I had seen that website before, but didn’t know of anyone who was using it.

    Would you say this is better than Easy Grammar? I know that Easy Grammar doesn’t have diagramming in it.  I do want my children to diagram (I think it’s so much easier to keep the functions of the words straight with diagramming).  I was considering moving to Easy Grammar, but I think I’ll check this curriculum out more closely.


    I like Easy Grammar’s approach to finding prepositions first, but I don’t like the lack of diagramming and I don’t find the instructions as clear or the layout as appealing.


    Okay, thank you!



    Christie, thank you for the review. I have a son (14) who is really struggling with his grammar skills. Do you think this would work for him, or is it too young for him? Also, I have a son(15) who is really good at grammar and writing but hasn’t had a lot of experience with diagramming. Do you think that it would be a good fit for him as well? I researched the website and curriculum, but sometimes you just can’t beat hearing a fellow parent’s thoughts.

    Thanks, Tammy


    I’m teaching three 14 year olds and one 12 year old right now.  They all love it and are learning and understanding so much. The sentences are simple, but it’s effectively teaching and when we do tougher ones on our own, they’re no problem. There are typically 5 problems to work – key chart and diagram.  This feels just right.  The number in AG was often overwhelming.  I think your kids could benefit.  There is quite a bit of free info. on the website, too.


    I’ve looked over the website, and I don’t see any grade levels.  The price is quite pricey,  I feel — is this something you’d use for years? Or is it just a one-year curriculum?



    It is quite pricey but it is being offered on Homeschool buyers co-op right now at a discount price. You may want to check them out if you decide to purchase. You can save about $20.00



    Grammar is finite and there is no reason to teach it for years. You could complete Get Smart one year and then simply follow up occasionally with some practice either bought or homemade. Or complete 1/3-1/2 per year similar to AG.   The program is doable for grades 5-12 in my opinion.  The videos make it self teaching, but the explanations are so good, you could do without them if you understand grammar.  I am not using the videos personally, but might when I teach my younger crop of kids.

    It is pricey, but is clearly presented without too much busywork. Having used R&S briefly, AG for season one and Jr AG in full, it is my opinion and that of my students that Get Smart more clearly explains without the redundant nature of RS or the excessive wordiness of AG.

    Honestly, I am not a paid advertiser. I just love the simplicity and the lightbulb moments for my teen and the three others I’m teaching.


    Alright.  So it’s a one-year deal; just need review after that.

    I was considering using Easy Grammar as a one-year- get it all learned and understood- deal and then for the next 6 years of my daughter’s school life I’d use Daily Grams or another year of Easy Grammar.  I was planning to just make her diagram the sentences on her own (because I LOVE diagramming sentences).

    So this would be the same thing, a one-year thing.  And then review in subsequent years.

    Did I get it all right?  🙂


    Christie…Once again thank you for all the valuable information. I have decided to order this program because it seems to be just what I need for my boys. I have one more question for you before I order. I am trying to decide whether to purchase the softcover books or just print them. I can’t find anywhere on their website that states how many pages the teacher and student book contain. Do you by any chance have that info?

    Thanks, Tammy


    The student workbook is ~270-275 pages because each exercise is its own page. This is a huge plus, I think. The softcover books are ~ $12 and are black and white.  I printed locally bc I didn’t want to wait for shipping; I printed with a teacher discount at the local UPS store for $10.50 each. I initially printed my own kids’ copies in color. It cost $50 each, but it was my mistake. Don’t do that!!!  The red highlighting is nice, but not necessary! If you want color, I recommend Best Value Copy online because it would be about $24 there.

    I just have the teacher book and other materials digitally.  I link my iPad to my tv screen via Apple TV to teach my class.  Works great.  Just sharing that in case you decide to teach others like I did.


    Hi Christie,   I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on how the Get Smart program compares to Our Mother Tongue.    Mostly in how clearly the explanations/lessons would be understood.  We are currently using OMT and while I like it,  I am already needing to do a lot of extra explanations and I am not sure if this will continue to “cut it” as we get into more complex concepts.   (Of course it doesn’t help that I forgot to order the    answer key! :/ ).



    Miranda – I own Our Mother Tongue and the Answer Key, but have never used it. I like the idea of it, but find that I personally prefer a straight-forward and get it done approach to grammar. I could read through OMT and find it personally fascinating because I am weird that way, but for implementation ease, I’m not so sure. Does that help at all?

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