grade two boy- shifting gears to CM- your feedback on plans/resources pls

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  • danirodda

    hi ladies,
    I’m just getting rolling in CM homeschool. Feedback on these plans would be appreciated… IE: am I missing the point of something? or overdoing it in another area?
    – copy/memory work: Seeds Family Worship (scripture memory to music)
    – bible: Jesus Storybook bible, 24 Family Ways (Clarkson),
    – literature: starting with The Wishing Chair- Enid Blyton
    – poetry: combo of Stevenson and Dennis Lee- dictation? what do we do with poetry? read and listen? narration?
    – nature study and A Reason for Science, burgess books
    – Math: Rightstart
    – Social Studies: Canadian books (present day) about place and community, mapping
    – History: Story of the World (narration)
    – no shakespeare for now.
    – artist study: Emily Carr, The Group of Seven, Van Gogh
    – composer: Classical kids: Beethoven lived upstairs etc


    For artist study and narration, the YouTube videos by Sonya were helpful to implement those areas CM style. Those videos are excerpts from her seminars sold on this site. For poetry, we just read 2-3 poems/day depending on length. We don’t narrate the poems. I plan to cover a short bio of the poets we study. When I start that, I may ask for a short narration about the poet. We liked Beethoven Lives Upstairs. In addition to the CD, we have the book that has some good illustrations. We listened to some of the full works of Beethoven from YouTube in addition to the story CD. For copywork, ds copies a scripture we are memorizing or does 2-3 sentences from the Draw.Write.Now books. Do you have something for your child to read to you? Depending on reading level, the Pathway readers, Christian Liberty nature readers, McGuffey readers, or Treadwell readers are some suggestions. The latter 2 of that list can be downloaded from the Internet for free.


    We’ve got a good selection (plus library) of “at his level” books to read aloud- plus big brother gets to read one story at bedtime to his little brothers.

    Thanks for the tip on the youtube vids.


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