Grade 6 Resource List – Please Review and Give Feedback

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Grade 6 Resource List – Please Review and Give Feedback

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  • missceegee

    Here is my plan for dd11. All feedback welcome.

    I have a couple of possibliities not figured out and a couple of unknowns. I’m unsure of Foreign Language, Handicrafts/Lifeskills and Habits at this point. For all of the family history books, I may attempt to record them so we can listen during lunch and I can eat. 

    From here, I’ll work up a daily schedule/routine, but I need to do this level of planning for ds8 and dd5 first. Ugh.

    WORLD & AMERICAN HISTORY – Modern Times (1850 – Present)

    SCM Module 6 Resources, family and grades 4-6

    World History: 

    American History: 

    Other Resources

    • World History: Great Tours: Greece and Turkey: From Athens to Istanbul DVD; 2 Week Trip to Greece & Turkey to follow Paul’s Missionary Journey; Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill
    • American History: Ken Burns documentaries (various)
    • Misc. websites

    Current Events



    • The Book of Marvels: The Occident
    • Map Drill for Americas and Europe (see list for specifics)
    • Games:; iPad games: TapQuiz Maps, Montessori Approach to Geography (various), Stack the States, Stack the Countries, Spell the States, Shake the States, etc.; various board games and puzzles



    •  Math-U-See Delta & Epsilon
    •  Life of Fred Elementary Books G – J
    •  Calcu-ladder levels 1-4 for continual fact practice
    •  Mathematicians are People, Too



    •  Mad Science Class at FL Scholars Co-op  – Units of study and the order of presentation will be:  

      •  5 classes on Astronomy, including studies on space technology (laser experiments), space phenomena (experiments with dry ice), space travel, the sun and stars, and living in space.  
      •  7 classes on Physics/Electricity, including studies on motion, fundamental forces, electricity, energy burst, mad science machines, fantastic flyers, and super structures.  
      •  4 classes on Earth Science, including studies of oceans, ecosystems (make your own bottle garden), dinosaurs, and photosynthesis.  
      •  3 classes on Geology, including studies of minerals, magnets, and plate tectonics.  
      •  5 classes on Chemistry, including studies on matter, polymers, harnessing heat, more experiments with dry ice, and pH factor. 

    • Exploring the World of Chemistry
    • Nature Study and Nature Journal – Watch, identify and describe the habits and locations of 6 birds, 6 plants, 6 animals or insects and record them in your journal.



    Mechanics of Grammar, Spelling/Dictation:

    •  Easy Grammar Plus
    • Daily Grams, Grade 7
    • Bravewriter: The Arrow selections
    • Spelling Wisdom, Book One
    • Keep a personalized spelling list

      Writing and Composition:

      • Copywork: Commonplace Book – Copy two lines perfectly each day. Selections should come from current reading (Bible, literature, history, poetry, etc.)
      • Written Narration: 3 per week based on history, literature or Bible readings
      • Learn how to outline
      • Keep a personal journal



        • The Prince and the Pauper * ** ***
        • Black Ships Before Troy *
        • The Wanderings of Odysseus *
        • A Christmas Carol *
        • Little Men * **
        • Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince Drama for co-op * **
        • Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night *
        • Plutarch’s Lives: Publicola **
        • Plutarch’s Lives: Brutus ***
        • Swiss Family Robinson ** ***
        • Swallows and Amazons – Family RA * **
        • Great Expectations – Family RA ** ***


        ADDITIONAL LITERATURE (FREE READING) – She can choose these on her own, it’s just a list of good books to pick from.

        • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
        • Robinson Crusoe
        • Island of the Blue Dolphins
        • Star of Light
        • Young Fu of the Yangtzee
        • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
        • The Princess Bride
        • Legend of Sleepy Hollow
        • The Wouldbegoods
        • The Cricket on the Hearth
        • Where the Red Fern Grows
        • Jack and Jill
        • What Katy Did
        • Follow My Leader
        • Penrod
        • GoodbyeMr. Chips (possible RA and see movie)
        • An Old-Fashioned Girl
        • Captains Courageous
        • Treasure Island
        • Kim
        • Otto of the Silver Hand
        • Hans Brinkner
        • The Treasure Seekers




        Scheduled Studies:

        • Boy, Have I Got Problems *
        • 1 & 2 Peter with Journible * **
        • 1, 2, 3 John with Journible **
        • Jude with Journible **
        • Bible Prophecy for Kids ** ***
        • A Sneak Peek into the Future ***
        • Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends (family) 
        • Proverbs @ Breakfast (family)
        • Psalms @ Lunch (family)

        Scripture Memory: Each selection is to be memorized and recited at end of term.

        • Genesis 6:1-22 *
        • John 3:1-16 *
        • Romans 12:1-10 **
        • Psalm 40:1-10 **
        • Psalm 111: 1-10 ***
        • Ephesians 6:1-20 ***
        • Family selections as we go through scripture

        Sunday Reading Options:

        • Hero Tales, vol. 2
        • Torches of Joy
        • The King’s Daughters and Other Stories for Girls
        • Wise Words



        Fine Arts: Terms 1 and 2 are with our co-op. I need to choose for term 3. 

        • Picture Study: Georgia O’Keefe, Albrecht Durer, Mort Kuntsler, Thomas Barbey
        • Composer Study: John Williams, Dvorak, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, 
        • Poet Study: Maya Angelou, A.A. Milne, William Wordsworth, Lewis Carroll, 
        • Hymn Study: It Is Well with My Soul; Mary, Did You Know?; Great is Thy Faithfulness; I’ll Fly Away
        • Folk Song Study: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad; Follow the Drinking Gourd; America (Oh Beautiful); Home on the Range

        Foreign Language:

        • Latin/Greek Roots: Word Roots and Jensen’s Vocabulary
        • French or German: possible online class with Landry Academy or The Potter’s School and practice with friends via skype or possible Latin class with Latin in the Christian Trivium

        Handicrafts and Life Skills: unknown


        Habits: unknown

        Term Charts –


        I was in the spam trap overnight. Bumping. Smile

        Rachel White

        Looks like a lot of great stuff. We’re also switching to using a Commonplace book for copywork.

        The only things that jumped out at me as missing are:

        World History:

        more materials related to WW I and WW II (besides the three you have)

        the Restablishment of Israel

        the Communist Revolutions in Russia and China

        Are you going to watch the Ken Burns WW II doc.?

        I can recommend some documentaries (and/or books) on Modern Israel’s establishment that are on Netflix if you’re interested.

        American His.:

        WW I and WW II related

        Vietnam (I don’t knwo if there are any books for your child’s age rearding this; I think I have one from a Vietnamese’s perspective – I’ll look)

        Cold War

        Korean War

        the electricity competition between N. Tesla and T. Edison (it’s very interesting!).

        Sept. 11th and the war with Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorism (you may cover this yearly or just via life (we do), but I thought I’d mention it)


        Christie, all I can say is WOW!!! I hope I am that thorough when my ds is in 6th next yr! I think that is way more than anyone in PS!!!

        I say good job!


        Thank you for sharing your plan for the year! I may use it as a model for creating my own. 🙂



        You’re right, I can see where those topics are missing, but I’m not sure I have room to add them for her. She’s traveling to Greece and Turkey for 2 weeks to follow in Paul’s Footsteps with my husband and his parents, so we added a chunk to prepare her for that. However, I could source some more books and materials on the topics you mentioned and add them to our free reading shelf. I would LOVE any titles you can share. I must move on to working on dd8 and dd5 stuff, but I will check out any links or titles you share. 


        2flowerboys and AngieG – thanks for the encouragement. 


        Christie, it really looks good!!!

        Rachel White

        Christie, I’d be happy to look up some stuff and post for you-just give me a couple of days.

        Also, when I have more material than I have time in my “scheduled” year, I do the same thing-add it into their free reading list and just carry it over into another year if necessary.

        THis year you definitely want to take advantage of the experience of traveling overseas, so it’s better to make sure she reads and is immersed in learning for that experience.

        Is she going to have some Turkish Delight?Wink


        Rachel, thank you. I’ll gladly add to our free read list.

        Funny, she LOATHES Turkish Delight. We tried some at co-op during an arts & culture class. However, I told her she must try it again. She does like other middle eastern type food, though.

        ETA – I am planning on some of the Ken Burns Documentaries. I would love more movies to add in to our studies, too. Send me all you’ve got when time allows. 


        Looks amazing Christie! I am impressed with your chart!!! Thanks for sharing.


        Rachel – I’m sending you a pm. 


        wow, looks great Christie! I put my 8th grade schedule up as well, would love to have your thoughts on have an amazing assortment of lovely literature 🙂 Do you do any poetry? I am thinking like teatime Tuesdays on the bravewriter site suggests. Also, do you have a guide for teaching outlining? I am tending to use the IEW model but dd doesn’t really like it too much. Thanks for sharing!



        Hi Heidi, we actually do poetry in our CM co-op each week, but tend to read a poem or two each day. I like the idea of poetry tea time, but at this point I like just reading and enjoying them with meals. We study 1 poet every 6 weeks and cover 6 each year. My kids choose a poem (this year of length) to memorize by each poet. i’ve no clue on the outlining yet and would love something simple. I may check Jimmie’s Collage. I will check your plans asap. Right now I’m in crash mode finishing planning for 3 kids for the first time and my co-op starts next week. YIKES!


        Your co-op sounds amazing! Science is my weak spot, that would be so wonderful to have a group learning together. My older ones had that but there aren’t many hschoolers where we live right now. One thing I thought might interest you, up here in Canada, what you have listed for your science coop would cover the expected learning outcomes for 7th grade and most of 8th! Are you planning on going through the World of Chemistry book and the Co-op or does that get used during? I have the world of physics for my dd this year but I am not sure if it will fit or not..



        I’m just adding the World of Chemisty for dd to read on her own. She likes to read, so…Smile Truthfully, I’m glad the science class opportunity came up. Makes for an easy year for me in that department!

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