Grade 1 Pathway Readers & Workbooks

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  • HSMom03

    Does anyone recommend the workbooks for the Pathway readers?  Or would I be better off just using the readers alone for my first grader’s reading practice?  I am looking at First Steps, Days Go By, and More Days Go By.  Thanks!


    We have not used the workbook – by looking at the sample I didn’t think they would benefit us.  We needed them for reading practice and not workbook practice.  But we LOVE LOVE the books.  The Pathway Readers are probably the single most perfect resource I’ve found for us.  Maybe it is because I didn’t expect much of them to start so I’m continually surprised.  We’re finishing Year 2’s book and have Year 3 on the shelf ready to go!.

    Alicia Hart

    I looked at the workbooks as well at the beginning of last shool year and decided to not use them.  We have loved using the year one books.  My son really enjoys the stories and looks forward to reading them.  He has even started “reading ahead” because he wants to know what will happen in the next story!

    We absolutely love this resource.  my older kids used the year 4 and 5 books a few years ago and enjoyed them just as much.


    I have been using the First Steps workbooks and I have seen incredible progress with my son since we started using it.  No kidding.  If I had just looked at them without truing them, I would not have bought them either, but I needed soemthing to go along with his readers and I am sooo glad we did.  They dont look like anything special, but they work and are incredibly inexpensive.  I actually just ordered Days Go By, and More Days go By along with the teachers guide.  I also ordered “Climbing to Good English” to supplement and fill in any gaps when it comes to phonics etc.  


    My son loved using the workbooks! The vocab lesson before the reading really helped with his fluency – we’ve done all of 1st and 2nd grade level books like this. If he reads the story to me really well, we just skip the second half of the worksheet for that chapter, but we always do the first half before the reading.


    Thank you!!  Sounds like the workbooks are pretty good.  I think they are cheap enough to purchase and then decide.  I really appreciate everyones feedback!


    I just received Days Go By and More Days Go By last night and I have to say that I like the First Seps way better.  Just thought I’d let you know before you order the entire set.  I’m kind of bummed because it seems that the format doesnt stay consistant after First Steps.


    ‘jenhorsfall’, are you just refering to the workbooks or the readers? ~April


    I used the first two years of workbooks with my first two children but then stopped. Although I did have my Kindergartener this year do the first one but really it was just busy work. They didn’t really need them.


    Sorry about that.  I’m talking about the workbooks.  


    Where can you buy the workbooks?

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