Just found out about this! It’s very close to me so I’m really hoping to go!! Many of the speakers I will hear at CMI but I’ve never met Sonya so this will be a special treat! gracetobuildretreat.com
At least we can catch up at CMI, Christie. It’s just around the corner! This one is in November which is right in the thick of the school year. A good time for refreshment. I haven’t been to Ridgecrest in years and never before for something as wonderful as this.
I think I really want to go to this! My husband and older daughter will both be out of the country at that time, and we have friends who live about three hours away. I would love to travel from CA to experience the NC landscape and this delicious-sounding gathering.
Thank you for posting this! I don’t go on the forums very often and I logged on specifically to post about the retreat. It is exciting to see that you have already done it! I will be at the CMI and I hope to meet you there. 🙂