Got to see Sonya today

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  • artcmomto3

    What a wise woman.  Enjoyed a SCM workshop today and two more tomorrow. Smile

    Enjoy! I heard her “Early Years” talk at the first homeschool convention I ever went to when mine were very little and I was just thinking of HSing. It ended up helping me find my way here a couple of years later :o)

    Hope you are blessed by the convention and it helps you with the decisions you and your husband are making!

    (and I may or may not be a tiny bit jealous of you getting to attend Sonya’s workshops :o)


    Wow, lucky you! I so need a pick me up right now and that would definetly do it!


    LadyoftheHouse, me too!  I discovered SCM two years ago at the curr. fair from a friend who recommended it.  I thought Sonya was Charlotte Mason at first! LOL!

    I ended up staying for Laying Down the Rails even though I had gone two yrs. ago and we have it on DVD.  It is just nice to have a refresher.  Plus, it sparked a question that I was able to have answered in person.  Sonya is such a sweet, lovely lady.

    So, Sonya, if you see this when you get home THANK YOU!!!!  You are such a blessing!!!!!

    BTW, DH is now really thinking HS is the way to go.  He is getting closer to it the more he thinks about it, esp. since DD did not learn much last year.  I also feel much more at peace since I have submitted to him and have surrendered the whole situation to the Lord.

    So glad you got to be inspired. LDTR was a great choice because you can apply that HSing this fall or not….. Thanks for the update, keep us posted :o)

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