Got a grain mill!!!

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  • pjssully

    what’s the benefit of grinding your own grain.  I am just beginning to think about doing some healthier cooking/.baking.  Where does one start if they are interested in beginning to make healthier food.  For instance, heatlhier snacks/cereal bars, bread, granola, etc.




    Here is a thread from a few weeks ago that you might enjoy:

    We are gluten-free, so the type of baking we do might be different from what you’re looking for, but I’d be happy to share some recipes if you’re interested! We also make our own granola, and it is YUMMY!

    You might also enjoy some of the entries on the Penny-wise blog.

    This is a blog that many of us on this forum contribute to as a way to share information, tips, recipes, and such. You could probably Google the benefits of grinding your own grain and get more information than I could share with you, but it certainly is healthier because you’re getting all parts of the grain. Of course, it’s unprocessed and unrefined as well.



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