Goodbye for a while


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  • Paula Spicer

    Just wanted to tell all of you goodbye and thank you for all your advice. I got to Ch 8 last night of Raising Godly Tomatoes and realized I have been neglecting my kids with not paying attention to them. For the next few months, I’m going to focus on them and stay away from the computer, email, Days of Our Lives, and Swamp People. I really need to get a hand on their behavior and this book opened my eyes to how lazy I have been as a parent. Please pray for me and my 3 kids as we will be doing this alone. My dh doesn’t like to change anything about himself and this will be the most difficult part of trying to get a hand on obedience, not being backed up. I hope all of you have a wonderful blessed summer and hopefully in a couple of months, I can report back with good news.




    Oh Paula, good luck to you! I admire your strength in knowing what is right and being willing to listen. I am sure you will see the outcome you are looking for in time. Hopefully your husband will also notice the difference and come around to supporting you.


    Bless you on your journey and I applaud you for recognizing and taking the action(s) needed!  I’ve too have pulled away significantly to focus on the kids, home, etc.  It’s amazing how much I accomplish when my face isn’t glued to the computer.  I just can’t seem to pay attention to the bathrooms though!!  I pray your husband can see your light shine and follow in your steps to intentional parenting.  




    Sweet blessings to you and your dear family. 



    Blessings to you and your family. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it! I often find that RGT helps reenergize me in some way. I totally understand how the screen time pulls us in. 



    I pray that God will give you peace and strength. I wish I had the strength to go for it as well. I’ve definetly let the reins out way to far 🙁


    Paula, we’re heading down this same road in the next week. Luckily I’ll have my dh to partner with in this, although the laziness is purely my own. I’m excited to check back in a few months myself and see how we’ve all done.

    Blessings and remember that you do indeed have a very kind and knowledgable Supporter and Comforter in this time.


    I understand.. and have also had to unplug several times over the years. Thought you might enjoy this article titled “I was a better Mother before the Internet” . It’s been discussed here over the years, but is always encouraging to come back to. May you find peace, strength, and clarity during this time. Blessings, Heather


    I know that we all need to unplug here as well.  I find since my dh bought my playbook in November and my ds bought himself an ipod touch we’ve been having more difficulties.  My dh works for a television company which also provides Internet and now cell phone.  He insists I get a cell phone once their contract with Apple is finalized.  I just know that will be more trouble.  I try to enforce a no media after 7pm so we can have some family time before the boys head to bed, but it never fails –dh heads for the sofa and the remote and soon as supper is finished and might surface long enough to tuck the boys in, maybe read to one of them. To make matters worse, there is a tv in the bedroom.  I can’t remember the last time I woke feeling anywhere near refreshed.   I’ve been missing my morning bible reading lately and it is really taking its toll.  


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