Good Variety In Narrations

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  • amandajhilburn

    Is there a list somewhere that would help me to figure out ways to ask for narrations so that we cover different types of writing (i.e. descriptive, letter writing, etc.)?

    **And just as a side note, I have looked at many different writing programs and the decent ones all do this…help the child by not making them write anything original, give them good literature as a model of good writing, and wait until late middle school/high school to begin asking more of them than what appears to me to be narrations :)So if I were to purchase a program right now it would be a waste of money since my kiddos are only 9 and 11. I can offer good literature, ask for a retelling with out stressing them by requiring original content, and then work formally on essays, outlining, and the like later….whew! how great that feels! (and the SCM Language Arts workshop MP3 download is very helpful too)

    Double post sorry!

    Is this what you’re looking for?

    Using a bit of imagination, there are several options listed that would provide opportunity to undertake things like letter writing, etc.

    I need to do this more often as well. I tend to just have my kids retell, without bothering to ask for a narration in a creative way. Thanks for reminding me!


    Hi Amanda,

    I just read this post yesterday and saved her narration ideas for my own children. (Her ideas are at the very bottom of the post.)

    I love SCM’s list, too!



    Yes..thank you both! These are very helpful!

    Sonya Shafer

    This narration bookmark might also be a quick, helpful reminder.


    Thanks! I wrote up a post about several wonderful things that I have recently learned from SCM and I just added the bookmarks to it too 🙂

    Thanks for all you do to help us teach our children!


    I like the narration bookmarks that Sonya posted the link for above. I just printed them out. Thanks Sonya for sharing the link!


    I am so excited to have the narration bookmarks!  Thank you so much, Sonya!  


    Those bookmarks are awesome!  I have the narration idea list from here in my teacher binder, but often forget to use it…this will definately help:)  Thanks!  Gina

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