OT:Good movie choices besides Winnie the Pooh?:)


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  • amama5

    The kids get to watch three movies a week, and we go by age whose turn it is to pick the movie.  We recently realized we’d let some movies creep into the rotation that really aren’t helping attitudes in the house (kindness, bickering, etc).  So we nixed movies for a couple of weeks, and it has been so much better.   

    We’d like to allow them to watch them again a couple times, and Friday family nights (we usually play games but sometimes watch a movie together).  Are there any good movie choices besides movies geared towards the very young?  (Pooh, Backyardigans, Leapfrog movies, etc)   Or TV series, from History channel or something like it, that I could get at the library?

    We watch some called Families of .. (different countries) and they enjoy those.  

    It’s so hard to find any that don’t have a lot of name calling, bad attitudes, unkindness towards siblings, disobedience, etc.  We don’t have to watch any, so it may come to that, but just thought I’d check here for good ideas first that I may not know about. Thanks!


    Big hits here:

    “Sarah Plain and Tall”, “Skylark”, and “Winters End” are in the same series based on the Patricia Maclachlan books. The books and movies are very good for character enrichment. (Library checkout for us)

    Musicals like “The Sound of Music”

    “Anne of Green Gables”

    “Swiss Family Robinson”

    “Charlotte’s Web”.

    We like cooking shows like Good Eats, Chopped, and the Saturday afternoon PBS cooking shows.

    I’m not a Duggar fan, but thinking their series would encourage sibling cohesiveness and family work ethic.

    We haven’t watched these yet, but we have them and thinking they will be fine when we get to them….”Heidi”, “Benji”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and “Lassie”

    “The Walton’s” (kids haven’t seen this yet either)

    ETA: Leave it to Beaver, Adventures in Odyssey ( not sure if this is video as well as audio, we’ve just done the audio) and Little House on the Prairie series


    Some of the Tales from Avonlea series are real nice.  (Some are a little scary – a couple had some themes like kidnapping, dark stormy nights.)  My 5yo likes those.

    Little House on the Prairie

    Buck Denver’s What’s in the Bible (by the creator of Veggie Tales)

    Veggie Tales

    The Visual Bible – you can youtube that and find a sample




    How old are your kids?  Are you looking for live-action only, or cartoons as well?


    Older Disney movies. Think of the old Sunday night Wonderful World of Disney: Rascal, Old Yeller, Swiss Family Robinson, etc. The problem with these is they are based on great literature so it could spoil the book for them, or you could read aloud the book and then watch the movie.

    We have watched nearly all the Shirley Temple films, many which are also based on good literature. We bought a set of 18 of her movies for $28.50 on Amazon called Little Darling Collection. It is priced higher now, but put it in your cart and see if it may go down.

    Some older movies with Don Knotts or Flubber w/ Fred MacMurray


    The Princess Bride, (one comment about breasts but nothing else) for some reason that’s all the is coming to mind that hasn’t been listed.


    That’s one problem, 6 kids, 2 yrs old up to 10.  My mom gave us that Shirley Temple set last year, they did enjoy that.  

    I think another thing I haven’t liked, even about Sound of Music, or Shirley Temple, was a lot of new ideas about romance that my girls didn’t need ideas about that young.  I know they will get it soon enough, but it was better before they saw all the kissing/flushing/swooning:)

    These are good suggestions, I’ll look for some of them at the library, thanks!



    We have enjoyed the Little Mammoth Media series. Some of the titles include: The Big Park (about Yellowstone), The Big Hotel, The Big Space Shuttle, The Big Newspaper etc. They are documentaries aimed at younger children, but my husband and I actually find them pretty interesting! Most are available on Amazon Instant Video. I would just mention that The Big Helicopter Rescue shows customs police searching for drugs on boats, which I didn’t think was very appropriate for little ones.


    Just wanted to give a heads up about the Princess Bride – It has one curse word at the end.  Very easy to mute.  Also, a comment about dreaming about big women.  It’s one of our favorite movies, and we watch it often!  And depending on the age of your kids, the ROUS scene might be too intense for them.  🙂

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