Have you been successful in using this to highschool level or through highschool level into college?
I was planning on trying this method in the beginning, but many other homeschool mom’s turned me away. Well, now I am back. I feel it is the best well rounded education that I can provide my children. They all told me I will have to do so much extra and that they will not be on the same level entering highschool and college as homeschoolers that go with Abeka, Bob Jones, or other school at home type programs.
I feel that they won’t be on the same level they will be on a higher level?
Please any thoughts, info, encouragemant!
My oldest is now in 2nd grade. (his reading is a little “behind”) We did Abeka in the past. I have 4 younger ones age 10 months to 4. I feel they get a lot out of it too. I feel I am creating more of a learning lifestyle than this is school and this is life separaton. Everyone in my church does Abeka or Bob Jones. I feel like the ugly duckling. I know this is what the Lord has for our family. I am just feeling a little alone here!
I feel I was not prepared for college comming from a “normal school” setting. In a regular school setting including Abeka and the like they sit and pretty much tell you all the answers and then ask you to write them by giving you a test…multiple choice..true/false…ICK!! In college they actually want you to use your brain and figure out how to read it all, intrepret it all and form an opinion about it. It is like a whole new thing “real life”. I want my children to live real life every day (well the child version of it). They are not living real like or learning to think with Abeka. It is gone…at least the main form of it. We still have some nice readers and health books.
Sorry this is so long. I am very alone here in my thinking. I need some good info from some like minded people who have gone before me!!
Don’t be swayed by the crowd. You need to do what’s best for your family, what you KNOW the Voice of the Lord is telling you, despite what others are doing.
It is sad that those other moms have discouraged you in this way. Shame on them! Abeka, Bob Jones, etc are no special “ticket” to a better education. That just happens to be what works best for their families.
I know what it feels like to stand alone like this, although in our situation we were the only homeschooling family in this (former) church and were made to feel inferior.
My oldest is now 10th grade. We have not always done “pure” CM, but we always have retained and done it mostly this way and always have returned to it because of the beauty and simplicity of it.
Last year we had to use Abeka for Grammar for my 2 oldest because of a situation dealing with my 11 yo autistic son because I needed more one on one time with him. It worked for us that year but I know they were bored with it, and they were glad to switch to Analytical Grammar this year.
We started with a CM style pretty early in our homeschooling experience. We currently have two children in high school and two graduated. One of the graduates is doing an accelerated college distance-learning program. No regrets.
We had a similar discussion to this one a while back. There may be some helpful responses there too.
Reading your original post made me think of an article I have on my website. I’ll paste some of it here:
My husband has been teaching airline pilots for 10 years. He’s very comfortable and natural when he teaches. No pressure. The pilots all say he knows just how to give them what they need. No wasted time or busywork. He told me yesterday that he feels sorry for one of the other instructors who stresses out. He thinks he needs to read them everything on the PowerPoint presentation someone made up. Apparently this is very boring and not very effective.
But my husband doesn’t use that “script”. He uses a list of what has to be taught, and he continually evaluates the individual needs of the pilot. He discusses things and puts them in different situations so they learn to think. His way of teaching shows them what they already know and shows him what they need to know. Everyone wants him for an instructor. Sounds like perfect homeschooling to me.
I’ve tried packaged curricula for several hundred dollars and single subject packages that have scripts. I’ve also tried internet charter schools which employ similar lesson plans. They never worked for us. I think I finally figured out why.
1. As great of a job as they do writing plans, they just don’t know my kids.
2. I feel trapped by the schedule or the fact that I spent all that money.
3. I’m so disorganized (spontaneous) that I can’t stand the rigidity of a book of lesson plans. Especially someone else’s
4. The worksheets or workbooks they include don’t usually reflect how things are done in real life.
5. They usually use school-type textbooks, which are watered down and don’t always have in depth or accurate content.
6. They can cost several hundred dollars.
I have felt alone in my homeschooling in the past, but a friend I finally found who agrees with my methods told me recently that I’m “independent in my homeschooling”. That made me feel great. I don’t know anyone personally who does it my way–or homeschools at all really. I’ve never had anyone around me who homeschools, but we’re perfectly happy to be different.
You’ll see it’s worth it all. Even if you’re alone in your area, you’ll never feel alone here. This is a fabulous forum, and you’ll find tons of support.
I have a lot of homeschool support in general. Most all of our church homeschools. Just not the way we do. When I have some more time I will look into the other post and look around here some more.
Wow I needed to hear this! We have always been”different (homebirth, sahm, nursing, no vaccines, make it yourself if you can to save money, etc…..) And always knew we wanted to homeschool our children. I know in my heart the CM path is the fit for me and our family for sure. However there is only one other hs family in our church of 500 and they like CM methods but can’t get comfortable with letting the workbooks and packaged curricula go and “how to fit it all in” – I did tell her about this site. Well now that we are starting with K, I find myself feeling the pressure of “not enough bookwork” etc. But I keep reading more here and knowing again I am doing it the gentle and effective and, can I say it? FUN way.
My oldest daughter is 17 and took college courses last year. We have always done literature based learning, but not a true CM education b/c we’ve never been good at narrating and I’ve not been good about scheduling – well I make the schedule, but we don’t follow it! So, all this to say that she still did well, got straight A’s. What she struggled with is what I knew she would. She had a hard time managing her time adn getting her assignments done efficiently. No difficulty at all with processing and communicating the needed info. If I had gone all the way with CM she would have been wonderfully prepared! I know this is the way to go for us too…and this year, I’m giving it my best shot at going all the way!
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