Good dvd of A Christmas Carol?

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  • Sue

    We finished reading Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol over the holiday break, and I promised the family we would watch a movie version during January.  Yesterday, I picked up the dvd with George C. Scott from the library, but I’m not sure it was the version I was looking for.  I don’t remember whether I’ve seen that version.

    Can anyone recommend their favorite version or comment on the George C. Scott one?  I am looking for something that follows the book fairly closely.  I’m not opposed to the Disney one with Jim Carrey if it’s good.  Our audience is high school students and adults.


    We love the George C. Scott one. We watch it every year. My kids, 7, 10 and 13 look forward to it. We have been watching since my husband and I got married but just read the book this year. We all enjoyed it more after the book.


    The George C. Scott version is generally considered the best movie version of A Christmas Carol. I watch it every year. Of course, it’s a movie, and no movie ever completely follows a story, or captures the nuances of a genius like Dickens, but it is very good nonetheless. I can’t recommend it enough.

    There was a made-for-TV version starring Patrick Stewart that came out in the 90s that is also pretty good, and it’s in color, of course. I try to watch this one whenever it’s on TV, and still don’t know why I haven’t bought it.

    I love the Muppet Christmas Carol-it’s silly at times, and it’s a musical of course, but Michael Caine is an excellent Scrooge, Gonzo as Dickens with his sidekick Rizzo the Rat as the narrators/hosts make it very personalized by inviting the viewer to be part of the story, and the songs are very catchy.

    The Disney version starring an animated version of Jim Carrey (voiced by the actor, of course) is unexpectedly accurate, though it sometimes adds strange effects, like Fezziwig and his wife defying gravity (though Dickens’ description in the book of Fezziwig’s legs “winking” with the speed of his dancing might have inspired such an animation decision).

    I hope this helped! I’ve seen almost every version of this story in movie form, good and bad, from Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol to Mickey Mouse’s version, to half-hour black-and-white specials in which all the actors had a Mid Atlantic accent. These 4 I’ve enjoyed the most.


    These reviews are a great help.  Thank you!

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